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  1. PMP'in

    Any cases for aToshiba gigabeat F20??

    title says it all, thanks guys!
  2. PMP'in

    Vintage PCDP Pictoral Database (56k WARNING)

    wow you have quite the collection there! youre one lucky guy. thanks for the effort!
  3. PMP'in

    MY archos Gmini 402 isnt working?

    i hold the power button, the first display comes on (the blue title screen), and then it just shuts off. i tried charging it for a while and made up a combination of buttons to press. i think it might have been when after unplugging it from the computer and it said it was updating library i...
  4. PMP'in

    Worst MP3 player - Round freedom of speech?

    haha this is gona end up getting locked again.
  5. PMP'in

    Any anime series that you've been enjoying?

    i seem to have been really enjoying the naruto series. it combines really interesting stuff and the story is really good! and its not just a new episode everytime, it follows a story line which is always cool too. the whole concept just amazes me. characters fit very well too.
  6. PMP'in

    Pictures of your portable rig- Part IV- A fresh start

    Groove_9 you have one of the most beautiful monitors ive ever seen!! must have cost a fortune!
  7. PMP'in

    Blu-Tack Mod Pics???

    do a search...
  8. PMP'in

    ATH-a700, ATH-ad700, mdr-xd400

    i really love my XD400's to death, they have amazing detailed sound and that bass you need for gaming. confortable, not a lot of clamp and cover a large area of your head. its all good!
  9. PMP'in

    zen vision vs. zen vision:m

    both of them basically do the same things except one is way more portable.
  10. PMP'in

    Modding Grados with a new Headband...not beyer?

    i would just get teh beyer pads since they get such nice reviews, either that, i guess bubble wrap could work too.
  11. PMP'in

    Perception is a funny thing

    get peoples attention. i guess this also helps show what age group theyre trying to attract. but seeing those white buds it does get people to watch.
  12. PMP'in


    idunno if this has been said but some of you carry not one but TWO altoids tins.... so heres my question, do you guys ever get asked for an altoid??
  13. PMP'in

    Coolest Nano Case ever. Soon for 5g Ipods.

    the clip on the back is nifty but i think its wouldve been more practical and appealing if the the covers fit perfect around teh corvers and had some sort of custom coloured screen cover thats part of the face.
  14. PMP'in

    Great Deal on ATH-CM7 & ATH-EC7?

    that guy definitely doesnt sound safe, changing his name every few months. youd think eBay would find that suspicious.
  15. PMP'in

    Got my Archos Gmini402!

    it worked perfect. every video file that couldnt be played works now. thanks guys.
  16. PMP'in

    Got my Archos Gmini402!

    ok thank you guys im trying these methods as we speak. so far so good.
  17. PMP'in

    akg240s vs. hd555?

    AKG's will have more bass in comparison.
  18. PMP'in

    New from Sony - MDR-710LP Portable Headphones

    Cnet never usually reviews things like that quickly anyways so no worries. they look very interesting though!
  19. PMP'in

    Free Burn-In Tracks?

    use your radio and put it so that its all static. ive read that that helps burnin. your music is a good source too
  20. PMP'in

    Got my Archos Gmini402!

    yaaaay i finally got it! and so far its awesome. volume thing isnt a problem at all. one question though, some video files it wont play. why is this?
  21. PMP'in

    Bass headphones for my H10

    its ashame that you wouldnt want to go for another sony pair because from my experience, they give just what you want. bloaty bass and shrill highs. mine went through the washing machine twice and they still lived. you could try something more like sennheiser HD212. they arent IEM's but they are...
  22. PMP'in

    Sennheiser PX 100: White or black?

    Quote: Originally Posted by granodemostasa depends on your style. one of my siblings almost killed me after realizing that they made PX100s in white and didn't have to settle for the black (i like black). i wouldve taken it back then! lol. i mean black would still look nicer...
  23. PMP'in

    Check out my new cans!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by saturnine Hmm... Two of these would make a mighty fine basshead can. Easily powered by a standard consumer soundcard.. look at the welding on that thing! imagine what it could do in a car
  24. PMP'in

    Getting a personally inspected RS-1!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by discord I thought you were gonna go to gradolabs and watch them assemble it. how amazing would that be! if we could do that with any headphone, mods would be so much easier