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  1. nilfric

    Music Player for DT1350

    Thanks for your thorough reply!   Yes, I read about the Nationite S:Flo2 and that it has great sound quality, but the UI ist supposedly pretty aweful. That, and the fact that it seems hard to obtain at my location, kept me from considering it further. The Ipod touch is nice, but too big for...
  2. nilfric

    Music Player for DT1350

    Hmm, would the Cowon D3 be a better choice than the Sansa Fuze? I don't need a fanzy interface, but is the sound quality worth the premium resp. is there even a difference?
  3. nilfric

    Music Player for DT1350

    Hi! I'm lost in all the opinions I've read so far. Searching for the best portable source to combine with my newly aquired DT1350s. Atm, they are connected to my HTC One X and while I really dig the resultant sound, I figure there must be a better solution, while not going full amp though. Also...
  4. nilfric

    Portable headphones for drum and bass

    Hey! I need some help from you guys because I seem to be stuck with my reasoning. My requirements are:   reasonable size, i.e. I don't want to look like princess Lea, great in the low and mid bass range, as I mainly listen to dnb, dubtekstep and alike, good in the other frequency ranges...