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  1. MlclmOSX

    "Mad Dog" by MrSpeakers, modified Fostex T50RP review

    So I got my mad dogs in the mail today and I couldn't be happier with them, but I was wondering if there were any replacement cables with a 3.5mm end as opposed to the 1/4 inch. I have an adapter for the time being but I would like to do away with it if at all possible. I've seen people mention...
  2. MlclmOSX

    "Mad Dog" by MrSpeakers, modified Fostex T50RP review

    Haha, yeah you weren't kidding when you said well within 24 hours
  3. MlclmOSX

    "Mad Dog" by MrSpeakers, modified Fostex T50RP review

    Did you just use the email address on his site? Because I have tried that with no response.   I'm not upset, this guy obviously cares about his customer base a lot and it could be pretty easy to overlook an email or two  
  4. MlclmOSX

    "Mad Dog" by MrSpeakers, modified Fostex T50RP review

    So does Dan send out an email when he ships out your headphones? I ordered a pair on 9-12 and haven't heard from him since.
  5. MlclmOSX

    "Mad Dog" by MrSpeakers, modified Fostex T50RP review

    So for my first step into the world of high quality home audio I ordered a pair of these headphones and I'm looking to get an amp that will properly drive them. I've heard some people talking about the Lyr but I was wondering if anyone knew if a Bottlehead Crack would be up to the task and if...
  6. MlclmOSX

    Quick question about DAC

    Ok. That's what I thought, but I didn't want to sound like an idiot. Turns out I did anyway though haha.   Anyways, I appreciate the help :)
  7. MlclmOSX

    Quick question about DAC

    I can't believe I forgot to mention that. My bad. I will primarily be using a record player, but I will also be using my computer.
  8. MlclmOSX

    Quick question about DAC

    So I'm relatively new to the hi-fi audio world and after doing a TON of research I just ordered myself a pair of Mr. Speakers Mad Dogs. Now I'm just trying to get all my ducks in a row for when they arrive and I was wondering if I want to run them through an amp (and I do) do I need a DAC? Or is...
  9. MlclmOSX

    Need help finding the right pair of headphones

    In relation to what I said before does anyone have an opinions on the Smeggy Thunderpants?
  10. MlclmOSX

    Need help finding the right pair of headphones

    Fair enough. In reality it would be used primarily for home use, I would just like to have a pair that I could use during the long waits in between classes at school. I have been doing a lot of looking into the D5000's and the HE-400's but from what I understand they would be fairly useless...
  11. MlclmOSX

    Need help finding the right pair of headphones

    Hey everyone,   I'm new here so I hope this is the right place to post this thread. (if it isn't let me know and I'll move it)   Anyways, down to business. I'm just recently starting to get into hi-fi audio and am currently in the market for a pair of portable headphones. My budget is...