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  1. Solduios

    Recommend a new headphone please.

    So here is what I have had in the past. Sony MDR-Z7 Nighthawks Hifiman HE-400i YAMAHA HPH MT-220 and Fostex T50RP I have sold all my headphone off except my Fostex's. I am looking for an open headphone that is comfortable since I recently moved to AZ needs to stay cool. I been debating the new...
  2. Solduios

    The Official Sony MDR-Z1R Flagship Headphone Thread (Live From IFA 2016)

    I think I would rather mod the Z7's by cutting a whole in the can and making them semi open. There biggest issue was with poor resonance which made things sound more muddle than they where. 2k for a sony headphone is the biggest joke ever. 
  3. Solduios

    Noontec Hammo S Impression Thread (A great sounding cheap style can)

    Not unless you have really tiny ears more or less on ear or partial on ear headphones.
  4. Solduios

    Noontec Hammo S Impression Thread (A great sounding cheap style can)

    Noontec Hammo S         *Disclaimer* Remove the earpad foam for way better sound!!! The foam kills the mids too much!!! Very easy to do this just take off the earpads and remove it.     BUILT QUALITY/CONSTRUCTION:   The packaging is sufficient and on par with most of the mid-fi...
  5. Solduios

    Please help me choose DAC/AMP (internal sound card?)

    If they are rca connected monitors I believe you can.
  6. Solduios

    HE-400i vs. HD 650 or Other Headphone Pair

    With the 400i's I would go with digital as the headphones are already warm and it will cool them down some and pull out more detail. I can not comment on the hd650 but any bright headphones can be tamed with a tube amp.
  7. Solduios

    HE-400i vs. HD 650 or Other Headphone Pair

    Should be fine for these headphones I am using a Aune X1s and about 12 oclock on the dial is more then loud enough for me.
  8. Solduios

    Best Open Back Headphone/Amp Combination for under $500

    They are power hungry but not super bad to really get the most from them I would grab an amp or dac/amp combo. You can get a nice dac/amp for $99 bucks now a days a worth while investment and push all the headphones but maybe the fostex's Planar's.  ...
  9. Solduios

    Upgrade from DT 770 Pro

    Closet good dac/amp combo will be about $100 unfortunately.   I would try for $64.99 really about the...
  10. Solduios

    First pair of real headphones

    I would go with the Senn over the vmoda lp2. Unfortunately a good bass heavy full sized headphone can be pricey Vmoda m100 is suppose to be amazing for bass but pricey.   You really want bass quality before quantity imo.   I just ordered...
  11. Solduios

    Upgrade from DT 770 Pro

    True my he-400i's are consider use able for most things but to really get any kinda energy from my music they need an amp. Or my LGv10 phone with built in DAP I just bought runs them well this phone is like black magic! Loving it for my music listening needs 
  12. Solduios

    Best Open Back Headphone/Amp Combination for under $500

    Grab HE-400i's all the good about Senn HD 600's but better =D
  13. Solduios

    Recommendations for something like ATH-M50 but more refined

    Try the ATH-M40x much more neutral and less bass overall i prefer it better then the M50's.   I am grabbing a pair of As I keep hear great things about them and I do need at least one headphone I...
  14. Solduios

    Upgrade from DT 770 Pro

    If your headphones are power hungry or have high impedance you need an amp to really get any decent sound from them. Your current headphones are fine for mobile and laptop use since they are 32ohms. However a dac/amp will really make a huge difference in sound qaulity, separation, detail, and...
  15. Solduios

    Minimal PC speaker with little cable clutter?   Good brand great price!
  16. Solduios

    HE-400i vs. HD 650 or Other Headphone Pair

    He-400i are my favorite so far they are not dark but are warmer sounding then some. As a musician I enjoy there sound signature a lot.
  17. Solduios

    Upgrade from DT 770 Pro

    No amp or dac? I would suggest spending some money in that direction first as it will improve your current headphones sound.   I would suggest Hifiman he-400i but might be a bit hard to push with your phone unless it has built in DAP. Laptop might push them but still would consider grabbing at...
  18. Solduios

    Looking a cheap, beginner level, DAC

    I would just grab $100 bucks and call it a day.
  19. Solduios

    Please help me choose DAC/AMP (internal sound card?)   Might work for you?
  20. Solduios

    Gungnir Multibit Noise Problem

    My guess is it a bad relay/coil and since the optical/usb input are both digital they would be far more sensitive to picking up noise just my rough guess. I still wonder why they use a mechanical relay for switching sources unless it is for power handling reasons.
  21. Solduios

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Is there a good guide on replacing the pads with alpha pads? I need to buy an extra set of hifi man pads for the ring right? Unless you can buy it by it self?       P.S. I found my LGv10 works pretty well with my 400i's it the little dap that can =D.
  22. Solduios


    M40x imo is better then the M50x for neutrality and less bass emphasis you might also consider on sale...
  23. Solduios


    Are you using an amp? Because if just using them straight off a computer or something similar they will not sound great due to being 250ohms they are fairly hard to drive.   Also what is your price range and do you want open or closed cans?
  24. Solduios

    Closed Headphones Under $500 or under?

    Yes I hear good things about the ATH-MSR7's wish I knew a place I could demo them. I will hold off on the HP-2's for now as very little reviews and seem to be mixed. I am curious about the oppo pm-3 as the build quality and comfort look amazing not to mention I like planar sound my question is...
  25. Solduios

    Closed Headphones Under $500 or under?   or   ...