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  1. antihcl

    The ATH-CKS77.

    Quote:   They're not that expensive man.. GR-07 is $180 USD, so £100 on
  2. antihcl

    The ATH-CKS77.

    Quote: I switched to GR-07 MK II. They are far better for me, but also more expensive. Totally worth it. :) 
  3. antihcl

    The ATH-CKS77.

    Quote:   I ended up buying some GR07 MKII's. :D Soooo happy!
  4. antihcl

    The ATH-CKS77.

    AciD3X, the CKS77 sound best with EDM here. Even with the eq set for bass down and mids up, I find that rock / metal still sounds terrible. For example, Tool really does sound pretty bad no matter what I do. I think it has something to do with how sluggish and hard to blend the mids are. Without...
  5. antihcl

    The ATH-CKS77.

    Quote: Five, which I found to be plenty, it has a low shelf, high shelf, and three peaking filters. You can set the frequency and width of the peaks. Here's more information on the EQ:
  6. antihcl

    The ATH-CKS77.

    Hey guys, I just purchased and rockboxed a Sansa Clip+ and properly EQd the CKS77. This makes a HUGE difference. The mids and highs are now properly represented and mixed and WOW I LOVE THESE EARBUDS. Powerful sound - a stark contrast to how I felt without them EQ'd. Bass is still kickin but...
  7. antihcl

    The ATH-CKS77.

    Well, after some time with these headphones I can say that I like them, but mids are definitely sluggish and under-represented. Music that focuses on mids doesn't really sound good, in fact they're making me hate most Stereolab songs. I'm going to keep them, though, as certain types of music...
  8. antihcl

    The ATH-CKS77.

    Quote:   Well, they arrived and I've had a full day with them. The bass is definitely way too loud for me as they come - it totally overpowers the track and prevents proper mixing of the sounds to form a cohesive whole. I'm listening to pop / rock / EDM and industrial. I EQed the bass out...
  9. antihcl

    The ATH-CKS77.

    Quote:   Will do. I loved the CX870 and I remember exactly what they sounded like. May I ask why you sold your CKS77s?
  10. antihcl

    The ATH-CKS77.

    I was looking for some earbuds in the $100 and less range to upgrade my Sennheiser CX 300 IIs. I previously owned the CX 870 and was thinking of ordering those again when I stumbled upon this thread. CKS77s ordered! Should arrive in a day or two, can't wait :D