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  1. sawatzky

    Harman SOLD!!

    WOW, you don't see that very often... the company's going private. Things must be going pretty good for them then.  
  2. sawatzky

    Are boostaroo amps worth it?

    Why not do what everybody else is doing? Buy a FiiO E7 or E17. Although it has a rechargeable battery pack, you CAN take it out and replace it. It's small, bonds to your device with a provided silicone band. I have a Boostaroo Revolution. I used the provided set of batteries, and when they died...
  3. sawatzky

    Reply to review by 'sawatzky' on item 'Monster Beats Solo HD (PRODUCT)RED Headphones with ControlTalk'

    I stood at a drugstore music section CD sampling kiosk. On one side were 10 different CD's for sampling and a set of SHURE SRH840 headphones. On the other side were another 10 CD's and a pair of Monster Beats headphones. I listened to samples of all 10 CD's on the SHURE side, and loved them...