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  1. Diablo3

    USB cable supposedly improving DAC sound quality? How can I take other posts seriously after that?

    Which DAC are you using with a SD card slot? The Squuezebox Touch? :rolleyes:
  2. Diablo3

    USB cable supposedly improving DAC sound quality? How can I take other posts seriously after that?

    I would not dwell deep into this any more, but you have no idea how much I wish that cables, digital and analog alike, make no difference at all. I really wish I did not hear any difference between the high end cables and the $5 ones, in which case I would just go for the latter.  And I envy...
  3. Diablo3

    USB cable supposedly improving DAC sound quality? How can I take other posts seriously after that?

    Three round of tests, four people, six cables, meaning 18 rounds of audition, hit rate of the high end cables against the $5 ones was 100 percent, ie we are able to sort out the two cables every time. If still in doubt, try doing it yourself and stop accusing audiophiles of not doing tests ot...
  4. Diablo3

    USB cable supposedly improving DAC sound quality? How can I take other posts seriously after that?

    Has any of the skeptics done blind tests of USB cables on a high end speaker system? They always say we don't do blind tests, heck, we do that a lot. Last weekend we just tried some US$10K ish USB cables (Entreq Apollo and Siltech) together with cheaper ones as well as some computer store $5...
  5. Diablo3

    Wolfson DAC confirmed for Galaxy S3!

    Well HTC phones all sound pretty bad and the S2 with the Yamaha DAC chip just happens to be the worst sounding Galaxy line phone from Samsung when you compare with S1, S3 and Nexus...
  6. Diablo3

    Wolfson DAC confirmed for Galaxy S3!

    Have you heard the Galaxy Nexus? Its vocal presentation is much better than my iPhone 4/4S IMO. Among all my recent phones, the Galaxy S2 sounded worst, no doubt, but the Galaxy Nexus does give some of the more expensive portable amps out there a run for money. As for the S3, I am minded to give...
  7. Diablo3

    Wolfson DAC confirmed for Galaxy S3!

    Quote:   I think you need to break in the phone a bit first in order to hear its full potential. My Galaxy S3 is in the middle of that process. I am using the iPhone's stock earbud to do that right now.  I know how ridiculous this sounds "breaking in a phone", but as any DACs would...
  8. Diablo3

    Wolfson DAC confirmed for Galaxy S3!

    My Antelope Zodiac Gold supports up to 384/32, but how do I connect it to my Galaxy S3? AFAIK there is no USB "B" type to mini USB connector on the market, at least not high end ones. I connect my MacBook Pro to the Zodiac Gold via a Wireworld Platinum Eclipse USB cable and the sound is much...
  9. Diablo3

    Wolfson DAC confirmed for Galaxy S3!

    Got it today. I have a bunch of high end portable amps and DACs but the sound of the S3 straight out to my Westone ES5 is pretty amazing. I had the iPhone 4 and now have the iPhone 4S. I also  have the Galaxy Nexus which is to be sold. Among all these, I feel the sound of the iPhone 4 to be most...
  10. Diablo3

    New Audeze LCD3

    It is because many of us played Diablo or Diablo II growing up as guys... I finished playing Normal Difficulty and felt it is a bit short (I had high hopes since it took quite long just to finish Act I), but let's see whether it will be the only 10-year old game often played in ten years' time...
  11. Diablo3

    New Audeze LCD3

    I don't have a headphone amp, so I am using the headphone out of my pre-amp at the moment. My friend and I both agree that it sounds better than the "Liquid Fire" amp (strange name) we auditioned at the shop, which is said to be a very good headphone amp by the salesperson. My pre-amp is only...
  12. Diablo3

    New Audeze LCD3

    Hi all. Today I got two things which made me quite happy. Hope you fine people here also enjoy both. I am a speaker guy and got introduced to this wonderful pair of headphones by my friend. They are both "3", and I can't decide which is better     