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  1. Jimboz88

    Bass-loving metalhead seeking IEMs for around $100 - please help

    I own the iM716's and listen to metal, and they sound awesome when they are in Bass mode. It beefs up the low end nicely, and the lower midrange as well so the guitar really shines through. They do not have over-the-top bass, but there definately is some good slam. Since you can get them on sale...
  2. Jimboz88

    IEM's for metal head

    The Altec Lansing im716 are usually on sale on amazon, and ebay. Usually around $100 CAD. Unfortunatley they only ship to the states. To my knowledge, no good canadian stores exist. Your best bet is to go to a Tom Lee or Long and McQuade music store, and haggle for a better price.
  3. Jimboz88

    Another vancouver meet?

    I live in Port Moody, so Coquitlam is all good for me. I'm actually down for travelling anywhere since i've never been to a headphone meet. Should be fun for all of us. I'll be bringing my Senn HD212's and Altec im716's. Maybe i'll even bring my cmoy with the broken opamp, and i can switch out...
  4. Jimboz88

    im716 questions

    They have pretty bad microphonics, but when you use the clip they take a load of stress off the cables, which reduces microphonics a lot. When using the clip there is almost zero microphonics. I find that the volume control pod adds some bulk, but once again i find that if you use the clip they...
  5. Jimboz88

    Opinions wanted on a couple computer speaker systems

    I have the Monsoon Planarmedia 14's. Though discontinued, they can be had for very cheap on eBay. I really like the sound of them. The bad thing about them is that the satelites do not reach down very far, so the subwoofer is crossed over at about 200hz. This make the subwoofer positional, and...
  6. Jimboz88

    Connecting Ipod to Bithead thru USB

    Oh lame, that would have been a nice combo. Looks like i'll be fixing up my cmoy before my Ipod arrives. Thanks for the reply
  7. Jimboz88

    Connecting Ipod to Bithead thru USB

    Is it possible to hook up a G5 Ipod to a Bithead amp using USB? And if it is possible, will there be any benefit to it instead of using the physical line out?