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  1. CJC252

    Most disappointing headphone purchase

    Quote: Originally Posted by astranovus i agree seconded, i decided to return them not 5 minutes after i put them on
  2. CJC252

    Best Hip-Hop Albums - This Decade

    Madvillain - Madvillainy Viktor Vaughn - Vaudeville Villain RJD2 - Deadringer Cage - Hell's Winter Kanye West - College Dropout Danger Mouse - Grey Album Dangerdoom - The Mouse and the Mask Common - Be Not in any order, just how they came to mind.
  3. CJC252

    65daysofstatic - noisy post-rock fused with math-rock

    I love em too, their newest album is sweet, but I still listen to Fall Of Math pretty often too.
  4. CJC252

    AKG K81 DJ

    From the review, it sounds like an upgraded version of the K26P, which to me, had overpowering bass and lack of mids/highs. Sounds like they may have attempted to fix that, I'd love for someone to post impressions.
  5. CJC252

    playback software

    Quote: Originally Posted by Oga Musikcube plays FLAC. In addition to the basic MP3, it plays all these: As for Media Monkey, I have no clue why but it was very noticeable with the sound quality. I think it does some funny sound normalizing or...
  6. CJC252

    EMU 0404 problem

    Quote: Originally Posted by sgdevil heh, thanks for the help. But my problem was a little more benign. It had something to do with my EMU Patchmix software outputting at 48Hz, whereas quicktime was trying to do something at 44.1 Hz. So I just had to change a setting in my quicktime...
  7. CJC252

    HALO 2

    I play Halo 2 all the time. My tag is CrisisClark, send me a FR if you wanna play sometime.
  8. CJC252

    EMU 0404 problem

    Sweet, that fixed it!
  9. CJC252

    EMU 0404 problem

    I'm having this problem as well, does anyone have a link to download Quicktime 7.0.3?
  10. CJC252

    Funny senn- sighting today!!

    For some reason, I'm not really looking forward to my first "headphone sighting" now
  11. CJC252

    What Headphone and Amp are you listening to right now?

    EMU 0404 > PIMETA (ad8620) > HD-580 Listening to: Jack Johnson - Better Together
  12. CJC252

    Headphone Names

    Quote: Originally Posted by kramer5150 Give it time... you'll start to remember all the model numbers and sonic signatures associated with each. It can be very intimidating to new members. As far as forum dicscussions go, elaborate names become a moot point as folks start to associate...
  13. CJC252

    HD650: What death grip!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Crimson Tear 580's are soft as a baby's ass. They definately do not grip too hard, they're just about right. Good to know
  14. CJC252

    Foobar2000 0.9 beta options

    I was using the 0.9 beta for a while, but I became frustrated because only a few plug-ins have versions compatible with 0.9 beta, like ColumnsUI, album list, and a couple otheres I think. Heres a link I had in my bookmarks with some links to those plug-ins: The...
  15. CJC252

    Which Are the Most UNcomfortable Cans on the Planet?

    I think almost all behind-the-neck (or street style) headphones are really uncomfortable, because the weight of the cans are always digging into the top of the base of your ear. Plus, you can't really lean back on anything while you have them on.
  16. CJC252

    HD650: What death grip!

    I bought used HD-580's from someone who must have had a large head, because sometimes I almost wish these gripped more.
  17. CJC252

    Poll: iPod line out---> PA2v2 / Go-Vibe v3 ---> Shure e4g

    I have a PIMETA with the AD8620 op-amp and I love the sound, so I'd go with the Go-Vibe w/ AD8620
  18. CJC252

    new headphones got me more into music

    Yeah, my HD-580's are encouraging me to explore jazz/classical more
  19. CJC252

    RCA splitter

    Quote: Originally Posted by ayt999 get something like this: (slightly cheaper direct from vampire wire) plug the pair at the back of component #1 with your breakout cable attached to them, and run a pair of RCA cables from...
  20. CJC252

    RCA splitter

    Quote: Originally Posted by Sovkiller why not getting ans RCA spliter and place it on thecard, this was you have two connectors and you may use two RCA cables one for each application, i got recently two Dayton from partsexpress and they work nicely.... I'm not sure what you mean...
  21. CJC252

    RCA splitter

    I have an EMU 0404 breakout cable that ends in RCA. I'd like to split this so that I have two pairs of male RCA. I can't seem to find this cable... I keep running into a RCA splitter than only has one plug to two, but I'd like a 2 plug, to 4 (2x2). Does anyone know what I mean, and where I...
  22. CJC252

    How loud to you listen on headphones?

    Can headphone drivers be damaged by too loud a volume?
  23. CJC252

    The Sennheiser HD580 Impressions Thread

    Just received my PIMETA with AD8620/8610 op-amps and wanted to give some impressions. I used these cans for about a month ampless and I was very impressed by the sound as these were my first step into quality headphones. The PIMETA adds a little something to every song I listen to. The...
  24. CJC252

    Best heavy metal/rap amp for under $100

    Quote: Originally Posted by familyman been talking with norm the go-vibe guy.. ordering fully loaded go-vibe v4. (soft touch knob, and blue led...hehe) Nice choice, enjoy!