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  1. xcryonicx

    Microsoft redesigns iPod packaging

    the final product didn't strike me as much of anything. Goes to show I'm just probably brainwashed by Microsoft products. Really though, most of the boxes for them tell you all you need to know; no crime in that. Apple just chooses to make their software self-explanatory...
  2. xcryonicx

    Vision M, review along with Best Skin Evers, w/ pics

    nice little review. Looks like a bad ass player.
  3. xcryonicx

    Purchased Zen Vision: M Yesterday, Returned today.

    that's too bad. I'm interested in this player. Not to purchase it or anything, but I just want to know how it compares to the 5G iPod. My first mp3 player ever was a 5GB Zen Micro. I've always kind of held an interest in Creative still, now owning Apple products.
  4. xcryonicx

    If you ride, be careful out there [link to video inside]

    it looks like the driver of the Civic was most likely someone on the phone or engaged in something that caused him/her to freak out and swirl to avoid rear-ending the car ahead. If you notice, the car speeds up as if the driver is adjusting their iPod and not looking, or ya know. Thats my take.
  5. xcryonicx

    I ordered my Nintendo DS today!

    keyword was IF those mock ups reflected the final product. What the heck man, if anyone's getting hostile about consoles it's definately you..
  6. xcryonicx

    I ordered my Nintendo DS today!

    just arrived, been playin' Mario Kart. I love this thing!!
  7. xcryonicx

    I ordered my Nintendo DS today!

    okay, let's not let this turn into another god awful PSP vs DS war. Really. The new DS Lite actually doesn't impress me too much. I like the color I ordered a lot, and the DS lite is going to be much more fragile and prone to scratches if those mock ups reflect the final product (having that...
  8. xcryonicx

    I ordered my Nintendo DS today!

    yea, that's the main reason I chose it over the PSP. While the PSP has great graphics, I can't justify spending another 250 dollars on a device that can do what my iPod (5G) can do, with mediocre games on the side. I don't even have much of an urge to game on the go, but the DS brings a whole...
  9. xcryonicx

    I ordered my Nintendo DS today!

    I bought, from an eBay store, an imported, Graphite Black DS. Gonna head to EB tomorrow and trade in some old GCN games and pick up Mario Kart. Can't wait. yea! maybe we can race
  10. xcryonicx

    Creative Zen Neeo is at Circuit City

    I will never understand Creative's market approach. There is absolutely no need/desire for this player when you look at all the other tons of models they offer.
  11. xcryonicx

    Apple listens to consumers about Nano scratching: Nano now shipping with case??

    for $20 you can't get a better deal, I think. It did take around 2 weeks to arrive, but that's understandable consdering it's shipped from Singapore (hand-made when you order I believe). It has a nice silky inside, and the outside is durable and pillow-like, though not very cushioned. I recommend.
  12. xcryonicx

    Apple listens to consumers about Nano scratching: Nano now shipping with case??

    the packaged 5G case is ridiculous.. I liked the look of the iPod so much, but I need it protected on the go. SO I bought one of these, and I love it a ton!
  13. xcryonicx

    Apple iBuds

    it's amazing how better they fit after I slipped the black covers on the iBuds. Still not amazing sound, but for stock, they do the job nicely.
  14. xcryonicx

    EWWW itunes store

    nope, never heard of it. I will definately check it out sometime, thanks.
  15. xcryonicx

    EWWW itunes store

    no I don't believe so. at least I can't find it. meh!
  16. xcryonicx

    EWWW itunes store

    Ugh I just bought the Masters of Horror soundtrack on itunes TOTALLY on impulse. Freaking 128kbps? are they joking? It sounds like it was improperly imported as well...
  17. xcryonicx

    Best Sound Stage for under $100

    Sennheiser PX100
  18. xcryonicx

    5th Gen Video Ipod Appreciation Thread

    I freakin' love my new (and first) 5G iPod. I just wish they included a power adapter in the box.
  19. xcryonicx

    Wow, what sony has up their sleeves

    good thing any band that is signed to a Sony label sucks ass anyway
  20. xcryonicx

    Mars Volta. wow. wow.

    Quote: Originally Posted by Sduibek In the context of my last post, how would you compare their styles? At the Drive In shaped 90's experimental rock into something different. They carry out more of an underground rock sound, while Mars Volta sounds a bit more Arena-friendly...
  21. xcryonicx

    Finally have ipod 5g set up to my taste (took some work)

    yes, the EQ still distorts quite a bit I just tried out an album using mp3 gain and rock EQ, and while it sounds better, the volume is does one adjust the volume like the OP did in iTunes?
  22. xcryonicx

    Mars Volta. wow. wow.

    you need to like At the Drive In to really appreciate the Mars Volta, IMO..
  23. xcryonicx

    5th Gen iPod cases?

    the invisable shield does look really durable, but I don't know if I'd ever pay that price they charge, or go through the messy application process. I may just be on the honeymoon with my ipod, but water and it do not mix...
  24. xcryonicx

    Any experience with iStyles FabriX iPod pouches?

    hmm so it's been a week, no fabrix case.. is this normal?
  25. xcryonicx

    Pictures of your portable rig- Part III of the infinite trilogy

    oo! i ordered the same fabrix pouch! Hope it's here soon