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  1. drewvoros

    Newbie Amp/DAC world. Huge improvement? EQ ability?

    Thanks again for your input skyline.   I may, as you said, just have to try it out... for peace of mind.
  2. drewvoros

    Newbie Amp/DAC world. Huge improvement? EQ ability?

    Nice point, perhaps I should just try it out for peace of mind.   Question for you... is the considerable difference more noticeable on your DT880s or Shure 940s. Like I said I own the Shure 440s with a similar impedance to the 940s (around the 40s ohm). I use my macbook pro and itunes and...
  3. drewvoros

    Newbie Amp/DAC world. Huge improvement? EQ ability?

    Hmmm... interesting points, as well as contrary to what I would have expected. Answers like: Huge difference! Huge improvement! Definitely jump in!   Well, I understand that amps are definitely needed for higher impedance headphones just to hear them at listenable levels, however it seems...
  4. drewvoros

    Newbie Amp/DAC world. Huge improvement? EQ ability?

    Hi Head-Fiers   New here and a newbie in this headphone game. Currently rocking (for the past 2 yrs) a set of Shure SRH 440s and since jumping aboard the Head-Fi community, just about a week ago, will be receiving replacement SRH940 ear pads for the Shures (the comfort difference will be a...
  5. drewvoros

    AD700 true circumaural or supra aural?

    Quote: IEMCrazy, yet another stupendously detailed and informative post helping out a new guy. Yeah, I'm definitely looking for the "wow factor" of open backs and also think the AD700 will do wonders in the comfort department moving from the Shure 440s.   As far as the music I listen...
  6. drewvoros

    AD700 true circumaural or supra aural?

    Quote: Wow thanks so much for the detailed description. I was pretty hesitant about the AD700 based on the fact that I too HATE supra-aural ear pads. I currently (being a newbie) only own a pair of Shure 440's and really want to try an open back headphone. The ambiguity of the circum vs...
  7. drewvoros

    AD700 true circumaural or supra aural?

    Hmmmm seems like the jury is still split. I guess it's different for different folks.
  8. drewvoros

    AD700 true circumaural or supra aural?

    Hi AD700 head fi'ers   Simple question that I've been trying to figure out and searching.   Are the Audio Technica AD700 earpads circumaural (stock no mod) or more supra aural?   I've been searching and it seems like some say they are supra aural (with your ears not actually going...
  9. drewvoros

    Shure 440 Ear Comfort Issue (Shallow Ear Cup)?

    Thanks for pointing that out! I think the 840 pads will definitely be on the shopping list.
  10. drewvoros

    Shure 440 Ear Comfort Issue (Shallow Ear Cup)?

    Quote:   Quote:     Thanks for the quick response guys! Just can't really tell what's different with the 840s pads. They look to be the same material. Am I wrong? Will they make the cups deeper so I don't have the rubbing issue?    
  11. drewvoros

    Shure 440 Ear Comfort Issue (Shallow Ear Cup)?

    Hey Everyone,   New here. Had a question for those in the know with Shure 440's. So I purchased a pair a while ago and after about a year of regular use I have some comfort complaint issues and wonder if any of you are having the same problem. When I wear them for any amount of extended use...