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  1. bmartinta

    Pick my headphones

    I did look at those but isnt 93db a little on the lowside? Please by all means school me if I am wrong.
  2. bmartinta

    Pick my headphones

    After spending what seems like days sifting through thread after thread I thought I would post up a thread asking the community to pick my headphone. I will keep this short and sweet.   Genres: Metal ie: Lamb of God (high bpm and very present guitars) Korn (bass guitar, enough said)...
  3. bmartinta

    Fiio e9 or some other combo for my HD598s (PC use only)

    Quote: I do game a lot, but my main purpose for my 598s is music. So let me get this straight... Xonar sound card = good headphone amp and is a dac? But if I plug it in from the sound card to a receiver I am circumventing all of that and using the receivers internal dac and amp? Then what...
  4. bmartinta

    Fiio e9 or some other combo for my HD598s (PC use only)

    So when plugged into the receiver that wont "take over" the amplification? Basically I guess I am asking what exactly is driving the phones? Plug them directly into the sound card and the sound card drives them, but what happens when you plug the receiver into the sound card? What is actually...
  5. bmartinta

    Fiio e9 or some other combo for my HD598s (PC use only)

    Thanks for the reply.   Would it be adverse if I continued to use the receiver simply for the purpose of the volume control nob. I like being able to control the volume via something that is ergonomic rather than a slider within the OS. 
  6. bmartinta

    Fiio e9 or some other combo for my HD598s (PC use only)

      Greetings,   Great site! I was recently turned on to the wonderful world of audiophilia when I bought a set of HD518s. At the time I thought they were too expensive so I returned them and got a pair of gaming headphones and was so incredibly disappointed that I set my sights on the...