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  1. Coelomate

    Dead Sony D66s: A Flight of Angels Sing Thee to They Rest (What next?)

    Well, I got the SR60s today. It turns out they had a much larger selection than I had originally though - SR60s, 80s, 125s and several Senneheiser models. I was a little nervous because I had done my research assuming the SR60s were the only option, but they had received such a positive response...
  2. Coelomate

    Dead Sony D66s: A Flight of Angels Sing Thee to They Rest (What next?)

    hmm... thing is, it's not the cable that runs from the jack to the phones, it's the cable that runs from the left phone (where the jack cable comes in) to the right phoe. I don't know if you're fammiliar with D66s, but that cable is inlayed into the plastic, very thin, and if its out and floppy...
  3. Coelomate

    Dead Sony D66s: A Flight of Angels Sing Thee to They Rest (What next?)

    Thanks for the replies so far! I'm thinkin I will pick them up tomorrow... iPod buds are making my ears sad as we speak. And I'll do my best to bring the Eggos back to life... but I lost a lot of cable the first time, and I'm afraid they might get a little... too funky if I do it again. A...
  4. Coelomate

    How Did YOU Become an Audiophile with Headphones? (What's Your Story)

    A friend of mine got an MD player, and I thought it was the coolest looking thing. I was in the market for present for my dad, and thought it would be nice and cheap. There were bunches of Sony's in the store, but the cheapest was $99 so I checked it out online. Got something else for my dad...
  5. Coelomate

    Dead Sony D66s: A Flight of Angels Sing Thee to They Rest (What next?)

    Hey everyone, I'm on vacation in Florida now (woo Disney with low crowds!) and I arrived to the worst possible thing ever happening: My... wow, must be 5 year old Sony D66 eggos finally bit the dust. Or I should say, bit the dust again - these were 'toss in the bag and go' phones so the wire...
  6. Coelomate

    "Cable Blind Taste Test"

    Bump! And here I thought such an old thread would HAVE to be done by now
  7. Coelomate

    line out vs headphone jack

    My impression is that a "line level" signal is one of a certain loudness that comes straight from the source w/o being amped. Thus anything plugged into a device's "line in" that is a "line out" will be a pure signal of a (theoretically) uniform level, which would make it easier to work with...
  8. Coelomate

    Building a mixer...

    Hey everyone! I just started college (At Cornell in Ithaca... it's still pretty hot, so no jokes about the weather - yet!) and am (as always) looking to overload myself on things to do this semester. An idea popped into my head the other day - it shouldn't be that hard to build a basic...
  9. Coelomate

    MZ-RH10 -- who likes it?

    The RH10 does not have a line out. I've heard that max volume/falt eq is very close, statistically, to a line level output, but the difference between that and my NH900's "line out" (option turned on, but still the headphone jack) is noticible to my ears.
  10. Coelomate

    An idea for a tweak (no burn in required!)

    So I'm (obviously) a newcomer here, and I've been reading a lot about the sonic quality of various materials and configurations in interconects, speaker wire, power cords, and even solder. As I thought about it, the thought occurred to me that each conductor configuration probably merely...
  11. Coelomate

    One simple cable test

    That really doesn't mean anything - your sample size is one, and the cable length already includes extra variables. Some real, repeated, head to head trials would be great. 5 copper cables of one length VS 5 supreme ultimate 4-clover triple gold plati-diamond giga cables of the same length.
  12. Coelomate

    MINT Battery Options

    haha... talk about over engineering - building a mint tin for a mint tin Anyway, that's a valid concern - I'd forgotten I had to wash out my tins before puting the electronics in. Well - are altoids conductors or insulators? I bet you could fit one of those little breath strip...
  13. Coelomate

    MINT Battery Options

    I always thought that in one battery models it might be cute if you actually put in a compartment that held mints. The look on somebody's face if you actually offered one from the tin with the wires poking out would be classic
  14. Coelomate

    Can't find BUF634U for MINT anywhere?!

    d'oh! Looks like it's time to paypal some more money over to Tangent XD I feel like an idiot Thanks for the reply!
  15. Coelomate

    Can't find BUF634U for MINT anywhere?!

    Edit: Tangent sells them... how on earth did I miss that! Sorry for the bother :P ---- Hey everyone, I just got started building amps, and with 2 working Cmoys under my belt I decided to try something a little ampier. The boards just got here today (Thanks, Tangent!) and most of the...
  16. Coelomate

    It actually works!?

    I feel great! As the thread title implied, I was never expecting it to work (Especially after a 2 year break and the numerous re-soldering jobs done on the power supply section). I feel kind of cliche talking about what a great learning experience it was, but it's true! Figuring out how to...
  17. Coelomate

    MZ-RH10 -- who likes it?

    Getting the RH10 to work from Japan is very easy. There are 3 issues: 1) Voltage. For some reason, Sony included a world adapter, so this isn't an issue as it usually is w/ Japanese electronics 2) The menus. You have to press about three buttons and it turns from Japanese to English...
  18. Coelomate

    It actually works!?

    hey everyone, Second post here, but I'm a long time lurker. About 2 years ago I got the parts for a Cmoy, and got as far as the power supply section before giving up. The board's under belly looked like it had been run over by an angry volcano, and I went through a handful of soldering irons...
  19. Coelomate

    MZ-RH10 -- who likes it?

    This unit got me back into the MD scene, and this post actually made me get out of the wood work and register! I've got a bit of a history with MD - it started with the DR7 which is something of a legend for its sound quality. I got an NH900 for the convenience of Hi-MD when it came out, and...