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  1. physib

    Bose Sues Beats for Patent Infringement

    I think the timing is stupid... Apple has so much experience/money with patent trolling I doubt it would go too well for Bose.
  2. physib

    Easy Grado mod for dramatic sound improvement

    Through countless experiments, I found out the best angle to stack your RS1i onto the cheaper SR125. At an angle of roughly 52 degrees, the pressure of RS1i is most delicious.     My life can never be the same.
  3. physib

    Upgrade from Grado sr125i to rs1i?

    Quote: That's exactly what I feel. Since I am selling the 125i, maybe I can get a hold on some used 225i. I'd much prefer having one pair for everything though. I make music ranging from trance to pop to extreme metal. 125i served me well on all those genres, but RS1i seems more specialized.
  4. physib

    Upgrade from Grado sr125i to rs1i?

    Quote: life is now worthless :*(
  5. physib

    Upgrade from Grado sr125i to rs1i?

    What would be a good amp for RS1i? Right now I'm just using a M-audio FTP audio interface.  
  6. physib

    Upgrade from Grado sr125i to rs1i?

    I've been using a 125i for hundreds of hours and I love it. Recently I wanted to have an upgrade by getting a RS1i, but it turned out to be, how should I put it, not as good. Now I mean I still think it's a better sound, just not worth the price-sound ratio to me. So I tried the G cushion, but...
  7. physib

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote: I should also mention that I have a hifiman HM601 for portable listening. It's plenty powerful for the Grado, but how about the others?
  8. physib

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Hey guys, first time poster here. Currently I use a Grado SR125i paired with a M-Audio Fast Track Pro audio interface. I really like the open back Grado for its soundstage and the deep but not overwhelming bass, however I think the high ends are sometimes a little too harsh, plus it doesn't...