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  1. dwcoleman

    Need Advice on two Allison Six purchases

    Hi 1.  I am about to purchase without hearing, a pair of Allison Six speakers.  I am familiar with these speakers having owned them many years ago but lost same in a property dispute with ex.  The speakers visually look very good for their age.  Even the plastic grills are in reasonably good...
  2. dwcoleman

    Calling All "Vintage" Integrated/Receiver Owners

    I picked up a Luxman R-113 for $40 on ebay last week.  Part of my lost past life now restored.  Only the Allison Six remains.  Crisp yet smooth sounds emanated from my Grado SR-60 (non-modified.)  McCartney's first album followed by Beethoven's Choral Fantasy ... I am in heaven.  Perhaps I'll...