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  1. PeterMcG

    Sennheiser HD800 Appreciation Thread

      Just bought a new pair of HD800s!    Spent a good hour and a half at 32Ohm audio in Portland, Oregon today. I A/B/C'd the Beyer DT-880 (600ohm), The HE-500 and the HD800 (again). The last time I was there I A/B'd the LCD-2 and the HD800.  I had gone in absolutely convinced I was going to...
  2. PeterMcG

    HD598 vs. HD650

    Hey Folks,   I did not get the 598 and the 650 mixed up, lol. I stick by my statements. I will say..that when I listen at home (all the comparisons were done at my cousin's house) the HD598s fare better. But I used the same dac/amp combo (the Fiio E10) and brought my flac files over to his...
  3. PeterMcG

    HD598 vs. HD650

    I am not an audiophile. I have been listening to Music night and day since the early 1960s. I know no technical terms and I apologize in advance for possibly misusing some.   I just spent an hour and a half listening to both of these headphones. It was very interesting. We started out with a...