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  1. Penitent

    Looking for over ear headphones suitable for someone doing music theory at university

    Thanks to everyone who posted, I've passed the recommendations on to him to consider.
  2. Penitent

    Looking for over ear headphones suitable for someone doing music theory at university

    Hi, My brother is doing music at university (theory not practice) and he's looking for a pair of headphones so that he can do whatever it is he does with them quietly instead of for the whole world to hear. He will mostly be using them for composing through Sibelius (composition software)...
  3. Penitent

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Budget: ~£100 - ATH M50 (£130 give or take) are the upper limit to my budget   Need: Closed cans for PC/travel use. Music, movies and some gaming. Previous headphones have been <£50 so this is a first step.   Used for: Xonar DG sound card or ipod   Music tastes: Bit of everything -...
  4. Penitent

    Looking for headphone suggestions, budget and use within

    From what I've been reading it sounds like that the Ultrasone's both sound better in some respects than the M50 but the M50 has a more balanced sound and therefore might still be a better choice for the varied music I listen to.   Am I interpreting what I am reading correctly or am I just...
  5. Penitent

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Since I'm incompetent I actually made a thread instead of posting here, I've copied the text across:   At christmas I got enough money to set my budget limits at around £100, the ATH-M50 are pretty much the very high end of my budget but I would be willing to splash out for them since they...
  6. Penitent

    Looking for headphone suggestions, budget and use within

    (Please let me know if this is in the wrong section). Just to set the scene a little I'll let you know that in the past I owned a pair of Sennheisers (201/202 - I forget which precisely) until they broke. I then bought a pair of IEM due to budget and useage needs (Vsonic GR06).   At...
  7. Penitent

    New headphones needed - advice appreciated.

    Thank you for the help you've provided so far, I'll certainly look into the headphones you've suggested.   Part of me is tempted to see if I can find a good deal on an ATH M50 and use that unamped since allegedly they function well like that.   The cost in the UK is quite steep and I...
  8. Penitent

    New headphones needed - advice appreciated.

    I hate to do this since I know you must get this a lot of the time but I've come to the point where I just need advice.   Recently my Senn HD202's broke and having browsed this site I'm now bereft in a sea of options, none of which seem to cry out "buy me" with one redeeming feature that...