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  1. DRKsideOFtheMOON

    2nd failer driver in my dt770/250's

    The first time it happened it was unamped with a portable cd player..i wasn't really concerned with the quality I just wanted to hear something while I was cutting. Today I was using a portable cd player amped by the only portable amp I have and thats a cmoy. It flickered off but then cut on for...
  2. DRKsideOFtheMOON

    2nd failer driver in my dt770/250's

    Ok, im gonna make a month long event short here. The first pair of dt770's I got (back in late July were amazing. I left them on day and night to burn in and on the 4th day they were stuck to my head. On the 6th day I went out to cut grass and while I was the left driver failed. I put a new...
  3. DRKsideOFtheMOON

    Sick of CGI movies?

    I'd say about 90% of me IS fed up with the cheap CG. Theres just to much going around and the technology is so cheap now filmmakers see it as a way out. They spend millions to make the movie all CG, sit back wait till its done and cash a check from the studio. But there are a few times where I...
  4. DRKsideOFtheMOON

    The 40 year old virgin

    I too saw it with a group of friends and thought it was a riot. Im usually not into stupid comedies but this one really got me.It had some really good smart humor and it wasnt totally brain dead in the plot and overall feel. I found it to be more than just some good humor, it actually went...
  5. DRKsideOFtheMOON

    Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack

    I also got the map pack. I'd agree will a near perfect or even perfect design opinion rating as well. Just another reason to spend a part of your life on halo...
  6. DRKsideOFtheMOON

    Hot Girls on Trains, Radiohead, and iPods

    Quote: Originally Posted by Xanadu777 She wasn't shy and neither was I so we started chatting non stop. She ordered a drink so I followed. The flight was pretty short, something like 20-40 minutes I guess, but there was hardly a silent moment. As we were descending into SF, I looked at...
  7. DRKsideOFtheMOON

    So you have your heaphones. What song gives you that 'feeling' when you use them?

    Whenever a song just seems to come in right i get that feeling but the ones that always get me.. Hey You -Pink Floyd Wish you Were Here -Pink Floyd Stairway to Heaven -Led Zeppelin Girls -Death in Vegas Queen Bitch -David Bowie ...a couple....
  8. DRKsideOFtheMOON

    Whos your favorite Actor/Actress and why?

    Been some good ones named but Bill Murray, def one of the best. Nicholas Cage doesn’t get enough for the roles he does, Raising Arizona, Face-Off, and Matchstick Men just to clarify. Steve Buscemi is another good one.
  9. DRKsideOFtheMOON

    Any High Schoolers around?

    Im going into sophmore year, gonna be 16. I direct documentaries, short films and this winter my first major feature production. Been getting into high quality audio lately and discovered these forums.
  10. DRKsideOFtheMOON

    How many votes are in your vote history?

    It sounds like you guys are a little to trigger happy with rating movies 10's. There should only be a very few amount of movies that are 10's, like what you would consider the greatest films of all time. But that’s just an opinion. rsaavedra, with all the movies you gave a 10 how could you...