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  1. SomeIdiot

    How to buy Kenwood MP3 player in the United States?

    Quote: Originally Posted by antonyfirst Is it my impression, or bluetin is raising it prices? They already raised the price of Denon AH-C700. I don't like it. They are definitely raising their prices. Taking advantage of us naive audiophiles, FOR SHAME Bluetin.
  2. SomeIdiot

    Shure SE530 or 10 pro?

    I have owned both and I preferred the sound of the to the e500 but ultimately the fit issues of the were insurmountable. I have tried every single insertion method, and tip available, but fit always remained an issue. SQ is somewhat meaningless if I have to push in the...
  3. SomeIdiot

    Best DAP's for Ampless Use?

    Quote: Originally Posted by antonyfirst I'm very happy for you. Try the Rock eq setting with your ER4P. Excellent recommendation, I was using bass boost 1 for the etys (although they don't need it necessarily, I just listen to a lot of electronica) but the rock setting sounds...
  4. SomeIdiot

    Best DAP's for Ampless Use?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Night Surfer Any hiss/white noise? There is some white noise with the e500 and less with the etys. It is only audible during quiet passages but it doesn't distract from the listening experience IMO. When I use my U.E. attenuator the background is...
  5. SomeIdiot

    Best DAP's for Ampless Use?

    I just received my Kenwood a couple of days ago and I am still amazed by the sound it is capable of producing. The iPod is not even remotely close in SQ. Best $400 I have ever spent.
  6. SomeIdiot

    argh... i lost my triple fi.

    You're not alone. I left my on the subway a couple of months ago, never to be seen again. I have since purchased a pair of e500s and er4ps. I might some day replace the, I just can't justify doing it as of this moment. BTW I lost my iPod about a week ago , so maybe I...
  7. SomeIdiot

    Pairs of E-500's **NOW $259.99** Free shipping (Hurry!!)

    Missed out on the first batch, had to pull the trigger on the second. 2 left guys.
  8. SomeIdiot

    What is your #?

  9. SomeIdiot


    Quote: Originally Posted by YoungClayB Wahoo!!! Got my's now The FedEx guy showed up about 3:30 this afternoon. Thanks UE!!! -Clay Same here, got them around the same time. No empty box this time . Impressions soon to come!
  10. SomeIdiot


    Quote: Originally Posted by YoungClayB Same thing just happened to me. Ordered the's from amazon on Monday, the package arrived today with an empty Roadie Case. NO HEADPHONES!!! The box was shrinkwrapped, so not sure what is going on here. I just called JC at ultimate ears...
  11. SomeIdiot


    Quote: Originally Posted by EyeAmEye Strange you're from New York, as I am currently inquiring the whereabouts of an Ultrasone Proline750 from Northern Light & Sound, shipped via UPS. This is the THIRD package UPS has lost in January alone to my home address. I think something is very...
  12. SomeIdiot


    There was no documentation or invoice included in the box (so I don't know what number it was or supposed to be), it all seems very askew to me. I seriously believe UPS dropped the ball big time on this, I doubt Amazon would send me the case with no headphones. They already charged my CC but...
  13. SomeIdiot


    I ordered a pair of Triple.fis on Saturday on and it was supposed to arrive today by UPS. After opening the package to my shock and horror I see damage to the package and NO earphones. I ordered the limited edition version so it came with the roadie case but there was no smaller case...
  14. SomeIdiot

    when you guys say apple lossless, is the bitrate 1411?

    Apple lossless (ALAC) has a variable bit rate depending on the song. It can range from ~600kbps to over 1000.
  15. SomeIdiot

    Do you wear your headphones in the shower?

    Of course I just have to cram my E5s REALLY deep.
  16. SomeIdiot

    Who CAN'T stand canalphones?

    I would say I find IEMs pretty comfortable just not for extremely extended listening (<4 hours or so). The short term comfort with my e5c are fine with all of the tips (including the tri-flanges) but the comfort starts to decrease with time and by 5-6 hours or so I have to take them out...
  17. SomeIdiot - EX71 replacement - My Story

    Thats great, Sony can learn a thing or two from Amazon. It's a shame that it took so long to adress the issue in the first place. Hopefully from now on there won't be any more issues with "wet toliet paper" wires.
  18. SomeIdiot

    Wanted to sell my UM2's until...

    I find there to be significant differences between some tips especially the clear flex and the tri-flanges. The tri-flanges have the best isolation and the best bass but they roll-off the highs while the clear flex brings back those highs at the sacrifice of some bass and isolation. I'm...
  19. SomeIdiot

    What do you like you your ears?

    Clear flex and tri-flanges I still can't make up my mind. Probably clear flex a little more often.
  20. SomeIdiot

    Shure E4 + triple flange sleeves

    The triple flanges must first be cut down to even become useful. After doing that they still will be slightly uncomfortable but YMMV. I find that the triple flanges roll off the treble and increase the bass respone in comparison to the other sleeves. The isolation on the triple flanges is by far...
  21. SomeIdiot

    Shure's memory wire - love it or hate it???

    KEEP 'EM! As for clipping them off I would strongly advise against doing that. I remember a poor soul doing that before and he ended up snapping the wire where it connects to the driver. The memory wire is supposed to strengthen that connection. In any case I pretty sure snipping off the...
  22. SomeIdiot

    lush, bassy, warm, musical and fun IEMs...

    I'll go ahead and throw my .02 in for the E5c, If you are looking for musicality (not sure if thats a word) in an IEM than the shures just might be your best bet. PM me if you would like more details.
  23. SomeIdiot

    Is it physically impossible for IEMs to resolve past 18khz?

    Quote: Originally Posted by dvdonly Found this link to a tone generator that is free of spyware from what I can tell. I could hear the tone all the way up to 18000hz, I'm not quite sure what that means because even though I'm only 19 I was POSITIVE I had some hearing damage...
  24. SomeIdiot

    When do you think the most expensive headphones will be the new HD580?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Quado If any of you "know" someone from Sennheiser--you should send the link to this thread, to them. Ahh, I can see it now, man! Portable in-ears and over-the-heads: Better quality...then later on, Orpheus quality (and so on). Sorry--if I'm changing the...
  25. SomeIdiot

    Shure Customer Service

    Quote: Originally Posted by Possédé Hey! My experience is quite similar... The Memory Fit Wire on my E5c's had broken (The wire stuck out, due to the cold weather here in Glasgow!) so I took them off. A couple of weeks later I noticed that the right earphone had developed a split in...