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  1. gotoma

    HiFiMan HE-300 Coming Soon!

    I think I may have a problem with the driver in the right ear. Most of the time it sounds like highs are only coming out of the left side but the right. The right side sounds a bit distant and muffled. I compared it to my other IEMs and headphones and seems to be a noticeable difference. I sent...
  2. gotoma

    Is $40 fake beats studios worth it?

    Quote: I doubt that. Sure a large corporation may have higher quality assurance for Chinese manufacturing, but doubt these are any less safe then any other cheap Chinese stuff you can pick up from a dollar store. Of course there is risk of any cheap Chinese stuff.    With that said...
  3. gotoma

    The Official Fiio E9 Thread with Video Unbox-Review

    Anyone know what to do about the bad 3.5mm jack? So frustrating slight movement of the jack distorts the sound. I tried an adaptor for the 6.35mm jack and it also seems to have a problem to a smaller extent.
  4. gotoma

    HiFiMan HE-300 Coming Soon!

    Quote: Hmmm same impression when I first heard them. Coming from their IEMs was hoping for something a little bit more analytical and bright.
  5. gotoma

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Looking for something around $200   If anyone uses IEMs, I really enjoyed the sound signature my RE0s (besides build quality).   Something that's bright, transparent, analytical and articulate. As well as a spacious soundstage.    Suggestions?  
  6. gotoma

    HiFiMan HE-300 Coming Soon!

    I just got mine today from Headroom. Anyway to visible tell the rev.2? They just packed the package shipped from China that had a shipping date of Oct. 23. I just want to make sure I got a rev.2 since they said it was rev.2. 
  7. gotoma


    Quote: If your interested and don't mind waiting. The D2000 are available at J&R for around $200-$250. You have to call to ask for the price, the sales rep probably will say $250 but you have room to haggle to $200 just say you saw someone else get it for that price. Their stock is...
  8. gotoma

    HiFiMan HE-300 Coming Soon!

    Quote: LOL I'm sorry I don't ever know what I typed. But yes that was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the help!
  9. gotoma

    HiFiMan HE-300 Coming Soon!

    I just ordered from Headphone. How do you distinguish from the cable that it is from the second batch? Headphone says its rev.2 and I just want to make sure it is when I get them.
  10. gotoma

    Best Over-the-Ear Headphones Less Than $300

    Quote: Here, what I wrote in another thread. Hope it helps     Call J&R ask them the price for the AHD2000 they will tell you $250, ask the Sales Rep if they can sell for $199 as you seen others get it for that price. Depending on the sales rep he/she will sell you it for $199...
  11. gotoma

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote: Call J&R ask them the price for the AHD2000 they will tell you $250, ask the Sales Rep if they can sell for $199 as you seen others get it for that price. Depending on the sales rep he/she will sell you it for $199. Depending on how much you want to fight, you can get it that...
  12. gotoma


    Not to completely threadjack as the OP seems to be looking at what I am also looking for. However I also listen to more modern pop/hiphop stuff too and I have a E7/E9 setup for my laptop. I was thinking about the HE-300. But I know that J&R currently has the D2000 for $230. Which one would be...