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  1. Janjua

    How Much Headphone Is to Much Headphone

    I have a Denon 3808 at home. What I do is, I plug my FAT32 formatted HDD straight into it's USB port and get impressive results from my speakers. The sound quality, at least to my ears is very good and is comparable to my Arcam CD players coax out. So, yeah if your receiver can drive the...
  2. Janjua

    Grado PS500s (new Grado's)

    And how well does the pair sound with you HF-2s?
  3. Janjua

    Grado PS500s (new Grado's)

    Guys I'm new here and I really need your help. Can you please help me chose one of the following three DAC/amp combos I've shortlisted: 1) HRT Music Streamer II feeding Schiit Asgard 2) AudioGD NFB-5 3) CEntrance DACport   My main criterion is sound quality and the system's synergy...
  4. Janjua

    Grado PS500s (new Grado's)

    Guys I need your help in deciding which DAC/Amp to get for my PS500s. My budget is around $400 and the option I currently have in mind is  AudioGD NFB-5 or a DAC + Schiit Asgard. What should I get?
  5. Janjua

    Grado PS500s (new Grado's)

    So true about Oasis. But then again most of the modern stuff is badly mastered. So much so that well recorded current rock bands can be counted on finger tips. From the top of my head, the only  well recorded  bands I can name are Mumford And Sons, Porcupine Tree, Death Cab for Cutie, Dave...
  6. Janjua

    Grado PS500s (new Grado's)

    Thanks for the help man. I'll wait for my Total Bithead then.    And yea Coldplay sound awful! But then again most modern rock recordings are horribly mastered. What  a pity. On top of that, headphones like PS500 make them sound almost unbearable.
  7. Janjua

    Grado PS500s (new Grado's)

    But my question remains, should I wait for my Total Bithead or can I get something which significantly better for under $250?   
  8. Janjua

    Grado PS500s (new Grado's)

    Quote: I'll start off by saying that I have owned a pair of KEF iQ90 loudspeakers running off Denon AVR3808 for 3 years, so yeah I have a fair bit of entry level hi-fi know how.    Grado PS500s, they are ruthless! Ruthless in the sense that they make badly recorded music sound...
  9. Janjua

    Grado PS500s (new Grado's)

    So, I bought these headphones a few days back and so far I've been running them straight off my laptop's headphone out. I have a Total Bithead back home and the earliest I can get it would be in around 45 days. Will it be worth waiting for? Or should I spend on something else? I have around $250...