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  1. Kentech0023

    Asus Xonar STX Major Issues

      When I had these issues I did not have my Sony MDR-7506's yet and I thought I may have been having these issues due to using mediocre Apple earbuds.    Unfortunately that was not the case, when I received my Sony MDR-7506's on 10/22 I still had issues 1,3 and 4 but issue 2 went away. I...
  2. Kentech0023

    The Xonar Essence STX Q/A, tweaking, impressions thread

    I just installed this card yesterday and it is great and everything but I have a few issues:   1. I have MASSIVE electronic feedback from it - When I don't have music playing I hear static and electronic pulses pretty badly I have to mute it when I am not playing anything.    2. Audio...