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  1. Marimba

    Anyone ever cry over music?

    mahler 2 and mahler 9. Both are so heartfelt and emotional, and you almost feel as though mahler is saying he has no hope....but then in the finale of both, after a long journey and struggle, we see a man ready to face what is to come, not wallowing in self pity.He gives us all hope.That gets me...
  2. Marimba

    Shostakovich Symphonies

    im thinking of going to buy a car with a gear stick in my bag.
  3. Marimba

    Shostakovich Symphonies

    i got the Barshai boxset for E28 in Tower Records! it was really E38( on sale i think, im not really sure) but seeing as i live in Dublin,it was a rare thing for someone to be interested in classical music! i got 10 quid off becuase theman saw my instrument and saw that im a musician! it was...
  4. Marimba

    Classical with powerful sounds all over the place?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Patrick82 I don't listen to my music at loud volumes, that's why the silent passages are boring. I don't like Orff: Carmina Burana because the drum is much louder than the chorus, in LOTR they are more consistent volume. Give the first movment of...
  5. Marimba

    Classical with powerful sounds all over the place?

    if its powerfull music thats needed, as good as film scores are (especially Batman by Danny Elfman) i dont think anything can really top Mahler 2 (last movement without a doubt) or mahler 5 and 8 (even thought all of these have quiet parts, without them the music would become old very fast-if...
  6. Marimba

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    It wasnt just a normal performance..the first half (about 20 min) consisted of a music animatuer-a woman who explained the motifs, techniques and background to the piece,using the symphony orchestra as a lab rat....the worst part was the "reference to Beethoven 5" i the 3rd mov, when the glock...
  7. Marimba

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    Percussion. Seeing as there isnt that much in the piece, i got to enjoy the music in a way that an audience cant-sittin IN the sound, surrounded by 7 horns, 2 tubas and an army of trumpets & trombones! It was amazing.
  8. Marimba

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    im just back from the most amazing week- Ive been playing Mahler 9 with the NYSOI (Irl) and Atso Almila (the best and funniest conductor i have ever worked with)and had my final concert last night.......the tour was incredible, the music is so moving..... and now i come to my point. If you...
  9. Marimba

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    i just picked up mahler 8 with Atlanta Symphony orchestra and Chorus w/ Robert Shaw (on Telarc.) Anyone hear of it? i havnt listened yet, but the opening sounds....fine....thats it. not earth shattering or anything...just fine!
  10. Marimba

    What Are You Listening To Right Now? [#3?]

    Sympathique by Pink Martini real summer music!
  11. Marimba


    in the world of drumming, if you've even heard of someone they have to be pretty damn good, and then even at that theres some crazily gifted drummers, like Terry Bozzio. But at the top, no matter how amazing other people are, i dont think Buddy Rich can be toppled, he was incredible, not to...
  12. Marimba

    What would you conduct?

    I have to say Mahler 5 as well! its just deadly! its got something from all parts of the spectrum- The intense energy of the opening,the raging 2nd mov, the light scherzo, the emotional Adagietto and then the exciting finish. Its like a big mac with all the trimmings. Except i dont like Mac...
  13. Marimba

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    Quote: Originally Posted by boodi well , you have all my respect and congrats .. looking forward to see you here posting after the concert in 3 weeks .. btw how much time do you dedicate playing for preparing the concert ? well it depends....i havnt seen the music yet unlike the...
  14. Marimba

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    Im playing Mahler 9 with the National Youth Symphony Orchestra of Ireland and Finnish conductor Atso Amila in 3 weeks and i cant wait!!!!! I've been listening to my Barbirolli recording of it non stop- im half way through my leaving certificate (irish state exam for college) and i spent...
  15. Marimba


    Quote: Originally Posted by Bill Ward The competition from my collection: Bruch Cimarosa Copland Crusell Danzi Donizetti Finzi Krommer Mercadante Molter Stamitz Stanford Household names, all. BW Fair play i was just sayin im no expert on clarinet...
  16. Marimba


    Mozart will be happy no one else is even being considered for Clarinet Concerto..not that theres a massive Weber....em...or..Stamitz...well i cant remember that much off the top of my head!
  17. Marimba


    Oh i forgot one...... Electric guitar: Yngwie Malmsteen...... how studid of me its so famous and everything...
  18. Marimba


    Favorite Concerto for each instrument anyone? i thought it would be fun.. im staying away from trombone and tuba though...havn't a breeze.... Piano : this is hard....very tough....but...Rachmaninoff No. 3 Violin: Mendelssohn in E... Cello: Saint-Saens Viola:...em... Flute: Nielson...
  19. Marimba

    The Greatest Symphony of Each Number?

    1.Brahms 2.Saint-Saens 3.Beethoven 4.Nielson (Tchaik more, but im stcking to the rules!) 5.Mahler 6.Tchaikovsky 7.Shostakovitch 8.Bruckner 9.Dvorak (again prob Beethoven or Mahler but i just cant...)
  20. Marimba

    Shostakovich's works

    I got the Barshai, its exellent, seeing as theres not that many complete sets floatin around,its a bargin!someone mentioned Rostropovich friend is doing a masterclass with him next week with her quartet, pretty cool for a 17 year old cellist!
  21. Marimba

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    I wasnt going to talk about one of those mahler moments, but then it happened,so i had to.... In Mahler 5,3rd Mov with the slow solo horn just before the violins Pizz. it just haunts me. Genius.
  22. Marimba

    Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings

    Mahler 9-Berlin phil & Barbirolli Mahler 5 Maazel and Vienna phil...i love Rattles version as well, but the only thing that confuses me(as a percussionist)is why the Whip/slapstick sounds like a wood block?!?!
  23. Marimba

    Stravinsky - Rite of Spring

    Well i havnt a clue about the Muti from a recording standpoint, but as i said its excellent, i can find no faults, i just think its held back at tad at the end of the Sacrifice. I have a recording that i got off a friend that really ends with a bang, but theres no info at all who its by, or when...
  24. Marimba

    Under-appreciated or little known classical music?

    I just rememeberd Henze as well,dunno if he's been mentioned. His 8th symphony is very well written, with 42 tuned gones on the stage! i saw it a few months ago with the RTE National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, i was dissapointed that the hall was half full, even though the concert was...
  25. Marimba

    Under-appreciated or little known classical music?

    Saint-Saens 2nd symphony is very underrated,at least in these parts anyway! I urge anyone with a brain to check out the Irish composers (being irish i must convert the world!) Shaun Daveys "the Brendan Voyage" is a brilliant work, with uilleann pipes as soloist! Its actually an amazing work,not...