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  1. Lerman

    Bluetooth 'phones for less than $50?

    Does anyone know of any decent wireless headphones for use with iPod that are in the $50 range? Most seem to be pushing $80, at least. Ideally they'd sound good, too.... Thanks.
  2. Lerman

    IEMs for Classical

    All these zillions of IEMs that I can't listen to before I buy--what do they sound like compared to common, benchmark headphones? Which is the IEM for folks who love Grados? Which for folks who love Sennheisers? ComPLETEly different tastes here. I've been searching the threads and can't find the...
  3. Lerman

    Can someone explain c-pads to me?

    Maybe that explains why I've never cottoned to the Sennheiser sound--they have earpads.
  4. Lerman

    Can someone explain c-pads to me?

    I've got c-pads on my MS2i's and I love them. But I don't understand them. Why do they make such a big difference in the sound (or trick me into thinking they make a difference--I'll use any placebo at all, just so long as it works)? Mine have 8 ports each, and trial and error I've found...
  5. Lerman

    Grado SR325i WITH FLATS: need opinions ;)

    I've said this before on several threads, but I've got a pair of MS2i's that I would define as accurate and precise, as opposed to sibilant or too bright. I can hear sibilance, but they don't create it when it's not there. Anyway, this is about bowls/pads, etc. I have big old c-pads on my...
  6. Lerman

    Q about Grados

    I, too, recommend the MS2i over the 225, but with this caveat: the differences are not as great as this thread is making it seem. Yes, yes, there are differences, blah, blah, blah. But they're both Grados and sound like Grados (even though the MS2s aren't technically Grados anymore) and both are...
  7. Lerman

    Beethoven Quartet recommendations?

    Yes, well, thanks for that, Bunnyears. For some reason I couldn't find the search button. I swear! I'm not proud of it, but it's true. Possible, too, that an interesting performance or two has come out in the past two years. But interesting thread--glad to find so many Emil Gilels lovers out...
  8. Lerman


    I'm eager to experiment with tube amp, but am a little bit poor right now. Is there a general consensus here on the best entry level tube amp--biggest tubular bang for buck, as it were? For instance, the much-praised ppx3 is a little steep for me at $649. Actually, it's a lottle steep. Of the...
  9. Lerman

    Beethoven Quartet recommendations?

    Thanks for that--I'll look into Takacs. I forgot to mention in my first post that I just got a recording by the Fitzwilliam quartet and was a little disappointed. Lacked something for me.
  10. Lerman

    Beethoven Quartet recommendations?

    Looking for some thoughts on people's favorite recordings of B's string quartets. Compelling performance a must, great sound a significant plus. Thanks in advance.
  11. Lerman

    Your Favorite Pad for Grados

    C-pads It's a little late now, but we should have done this so we could cross-reference by model.
  12. Lerman

    Help me choose a pair of grados...part 2

    I have MS2i's with Headphile c-pads and find that fatigue is a non-issue. C-pads with this phone seem to grant me all the Grado-ness I desire with none of the Grado "drawbacks." I don't understand the complaints about brightness. $299 for the MS2i (new), and $100 for new c-pads leaves you...
  13. Lerman

    Grado SR225 Owners/C-Pad Owners Please Help!

    I bought Mercuttio's MS2i's with his C-pads and I have no, none, zero, zip, zilch regrets. I have listened to the 225 and the 325i and I think there's a meaningful difference between them. The price/value relationship is not one I could make for someone else. But since we're all operating in the...
  14. Lerman

    I seek wisdom--please help me fix my speaker

    Thank you for your suggestions. The inductors and capacitors won't show any external signs of having failed? I should just remove the crossover unit and replace anything I can pry off?
  15. Lerman

    What is most expensive-but-worth-it set up?

    I'm writing an article (short piece) on headphones and was wondering if there was a consensus (I know, I know, I'm fooling myself here) on what would be a stratospherically expensive but really swell 'phone/amp combo. Looking for a price-is-no-object crowd pleaser. The low-end might be...
  16. Lerman

    I seek wisdom--please help me fix my speaker

    So I've inherited these old Advent Maestros from a friend of mine. Very nice speakers--I'm refoaming the yummy 10-inch woofers and the one I've completed sounds lovely. The problem is, the tweeter doesn't work--makes no sound--on one of the speakers (I'll call it the Left Speaker). To test...
  17. Lerman

    Grado 325i best entry into Grado World?

    I started with the SR80 and recently upgraded to the MS2(i) and am in sonic Grado heaven. I don't understand the "metallic" and "bright" complaints one whit. I sampled 225 and the 325i and thought that once I was spending $200 for a pair of headphones I may as well just shell out another $100...
  18. Lerman

    Best Cover Songs

    Joan Jett's cover of Cole Porter's "Let's Fall in Love" (birds do it, bees do it/even educated fleas do it) - improbable but it works. Aerosmith on Oscar the Grouch's "I Love Trash" (you know, from Sesame Street)
  19. Lerman

    Verdi Requiem

    Agree the Giulini is musically grand, but a shame that it sounds as bad as it does, especially in the various Dies Irae. Too bad, because I have Giulini Don Giovanni from same era (also EMI, I think) and it sounds pretty dang good.
  20. Lerman

    How can I demo MS2i? Do I buy on faith?

    I've outgrown my SR80s (thank you very much, Head-Fi, thou Siren, thou ruthless temptress!) and having tried what I can find at stores in NYC am leaning towards 325i. Just cotton to that Grado sound. I "get" the others, but not for me. Anyway, I don't want to shell out $300 without seriously...
  21. Lerman

    Whats the best Classical music can?

    So, Milkpowder--by now you've presumably received your 701s, yes? Back on 3/20 they were coming any day. Thoughts? Hype, over-hype, thrill, disappointment?
  22. Lerman

    what sounds best on Grado sr80?

    Solo guitar will sound spectacular--the better the recording the better they will sound. If you want to be IN the guitar, these are perfect 'phones. I have a Linn recording of ACH! who is it? Begins with G--Django Reinhardt adherent--playing with younger guy. Sounds great. Talking Heads...
  23. Lerman

    Bach sacred cantata cycle

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bunnyears Bach to Cantatas (pun intended)! Finally had a chance to listen to the René Jacobs recording of the Weinachtsoratorio, and first impression is incredibly favorable. I don't know how Jacobs is doing it, but he's batting 1000 this year with me. I...
  24. Lerman

    LFF's Music Pick of The Week (03-05-2006)

    This thread's kind of ancient history by now, but for what it's worth I just got the recording in question ($11.99 or something) and it is beautiful. So thanks for the recommendation.
  25. Lerman

    HF-1 update

    Sorry to go all mushy here, but I'm curious about the motivations of the people hanging on, hoping against hope to get a particular piece of electronics. I'm still here for mainly aesthetic reasons. The thought of having a headphone made of wood--and because of the small run largely...