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  1. exkgb

    How loud do you have your IEM's volume at?

    I have mine nearly @ Max on an ipod nano. Using the super inefficient IM716 at the moment.
  2. exkgb

    Best IEM for under $150.

    The Altec Lansing IM716 is a pretty darn good deal too for < $150
  3. exkgb

    Advice Please: PA2V2 or Xin Supermicro 3?

    I notice VERY little difference in sound quality when using UM2 straight out of my ipod nano vs putting the PA2v2 in the way. UM2 is sensitive enough to be used without an amp. Most player's output has enough juice
  4. exkgb

    Cheap IEM for Airplane Trip(s)

    If you can spare a few more bukcs, you can also consider the Westone UM1 and IM716, they are both amazing IEMs for the price.
  5. exkgb

    Resolving Grados

    If a $200 dollar pair of headphone is not audio phile quality... then what it....
  6. exkgb

    Am I crazy to say this? (a short review of IEMs)

    errmm.. I have a feeling that you will be very happy with the Super.Fi EB if you like the EX-71.
  7. exkgb

    Is the e888 the best non-IEM earbuds?

    When he said titanium stick I think he's referring to the CM-7 Ti
  8. exkgb

    Is the e888 the best non-IEM earbuds?

    E888 are awesome but they are not for everyone, I actually like the Senn MX500 beter for some reason.
  9. exkgb

    Sub-$100 IEM's

    If you can afford to spend a little more, the EB is reported to give tonnes of quality bass that any hip-hop lover should enjoy.
  10. exkgb

    [ER6i and Shure E4] Please comment my findings

    Yes I do think they sound alike. Both has the same emphasis in the mid-upper treble region that totally throws off the balance of the sound. Both have light bass ( out of ipod ). Both does a HORRIBLE job tackling accurate decay on notes. Both have no soundstage. I have heard the ER6i, not...
  11. exkgb

    Apple iBuds

    I prefer the Ipod stock buds to the ety ER4p on some days. They sound amazingly good for stock budz.
  12. exkgb

    [ER6i and Shure E4] Please comment my findings

    er6i sounds horrible. The sound signature is just like its evil brethern ER4P. The highs are totally overblown as if they are deisgned for old people with acute treble hearing loss and they are even more harsh. There's no bass whatsover to speak of. When amped, the E4c improves even more and the...
  13. exkgb

    SR60 vs. SR80 (Worth the $30 difference?)

    if they aren't going to be amped, I don't think its worth the difference. I thought they sounded very similiar out of my ipod.
  14. exkgb

    Super fi 5 Pro or e4 ???

    if you like HD650, its pretty much between UM2 pro E5c EB
  15. exkgb

    Tried Shure E3C, now what?

    if you think the treble in the E3C is overextended and bass lacking, you will NOT LIKE the E4c since it has even more treble and less bass IMO. Try the UM1 or Futuresonic EM3.
  16. exkgb

    UM2 vs. E4c: A Comparison

    E4 sounds awesome with an amp... too bad straight out of the Ipod they are almost as bad as the Ety Er-4 as far as bass goes Does the new G version have a boosted bass for non-amped portable use?
  17. exkgb

    Last chance to stop me buying UM2's!

    Errmmm. If you have pronounced hearing loss in the treble region, please buy the Ety ER4p, they will sound wonderful to you. otherwise, go ahead, UM2s are great.
  18. exkgb

    Why I hate woot!

    lots of hate for Bose here. They actually sound better than my ipod stock budz when I tried them. but Grado SR60 leaves them in the dust.
  19. exkgb

    Something annoying about grado

    I LOVE the Grado cable, its long and sturdy.
  20. exkgb

    E4C gave me ear infection had to sell

    I kinda feel sorry for the guy on head fi who bought you E4c possbly with all the infectious virus attached to the IEM.. Good luck to you, hope you recover soon and the super.fis does it for ya.
  21. exkgb

    Modest Bass and clear highs

    which Ipod do you have? I have the mini which has the suckiest output. The 5G/Nano/Mini have a better output but since I've never heard them before with the E4 so I can't say for sure. But if you plan to use it with an amp then its not a problem. E4 sounds wonderful out of my desktop -> pimeta...
  22. exkgb

    Earphones for rap/hip-hop

    if you want IEMs with BIG bass and not too much treble/mids.. what you want is the: UE EB they have gobs of bass....
  23. exkgb

    Forum Trend Toward Euphony Instead of "Fidelity?"

    The problem is that everyone defines their own perception of "euphonic" sound as the "accurate". There's not true "accuracy" to speak of anyway. If you have a totally flat response curve from a headphone, it'll sound horrible. All headphones (IEMs included) have their curves adjusted for human...
  24. exkgb

    Modest Bass and clear highs

    I actually liked the highs of the E4s, they are not harsh or tinny sounding like the ER4p, they are actually pretty nice and smooth ( I was using the yellow foamies ). What broke the deal for me was the bass of the E4 out of the ipod. But thats more of the ipod's fault than the E4.