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  1. acklee

    Best DAP with DRM support

    Dealing with the same question, I went with the Zen Micro. No headphone jack problems so far, and it doesn't seem like it would break. But I've only had it for a week, so who knows. I'm not losing any sleep over it. Overall, it seems pretty good, coming from iPod land. I still think of my...
  2. acklee

    A Coda and an Overture from HeadRoom

    Just received my Micro Amp (micro module) today. Unfortunately, I can't give a full summary/review, as I don't have my primary cans (ER4S) and am making do with my Grado SR60s. However, I will say that the build quality is quite nice, the power supply is impressive, and the branded shipping...
  3. acklee

    Anyone using Yahoo Unlimited (like napster to go)

    Quote: Originally Posted by stangjunky77 hmm but can i tranfer to my zen micro w/ out paying? According to the help page, you can with a firmware update. Basically, if you have a subscription to Unlimited, apparently you can listen to those tracks on your device as long as your...
  4. acklee

    Anyone using Yahoo Unlimited (like napster to go)

    Quote: Originally Posted by stangjunky77 well i signed up a few hours ago and so i far it seems that even with the unlimited eveything im searching for cost 79 cents. perhaps its just been my luck. but on napster i find it pretty rear that the tracks or albums are buy only. anybody else...
  5. acklee

    Anyone using Yahoo Unlimited (like napster to go)

    Quote: Originally Posted by stangjunky77 how is the selection- are most downloads included or do you have to pay? Selection is surprisingly good, especially considering that I prefer independent/small label music. It's not comprehensive (what all-you-can-eat product is?), but...
  6. acklee

    earplugs (not er-20) that I can get in a store---please help, I need them TOMORROW

    Quote: Originally Posted by seeberg Those are the complete ER20 though, it's that plastic part that attaches in the back, illustrated here. That's what I need, since I have all the triflange tips I want. I'm going to be working on my own version of pretty much the same thing for myself...
  7. acklee

    earplugs (not er-20) that I can get in a store---please help, I need them TOMORROW

    And NiceCans reminded me - besides pharmacies, you should be able to go to a big musical instrument retailer like Guitar Center or Sam Ash, and pick the Hearos up as well. Of course, you'll need to put them in immediately to block out the dudes playing classic rock riffs at 11 on the giant...
  8. acklee

    earplugs (not er-20) that I can get in a store---please help, I need them TOMORROW

    You may be able to find Hi-fi Hearos at a local pharmacy. These are rebadged ER20s. Oh, and to reiterate what EdipisReks said - ER20s are NOT equivalent to ER4/6's.
  9. acklee

    Shuffle owners: Any way to...

    Whoops, also missed the point about keeping-audiobooks-and-music-together-on-the-shuffle-at-the-same-time... if that's what you're aiming for, the shuffle doesn't support that... It's quite easy - just use Smart Playlists. These are playlists which you define using certain rules, such as...
  10. acklee

    Can anyone recommend any headphones for songwriting? I'm lost

    Quote: Originally Posted by sach_160 I guess my purpose isnt mixing or monitoring really - its just playback of guitar/vocal track to judge voice/melody, thats why i'm confused about what type to get... Are open or closed headphones the right way for me? Your application is...
  11. acklee

    $199 Etys a thing of the past?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Pars I don't think that that is true. China floats their currency (artificially). That's one reason why all the jobs are going there. China does peg its currency to the dollar (8.28 yuan to the dollar), although it is said to be considering a switch to...
  12. acklee

    Balanced (affordable) Cans for Monitoring

    For that price range, I would consider the Sony MDR7506, which is what I personally used for tracking. They fold up and are pretty portable. I don't have any experience with the MS-1's, but there's something to be said for mixing through a system you're familiar with. Assuming there's enough...
  13. acklee

    Anyone know a good way to check if your listening at a "safe" volume?

    Quote: Originally Posted by maarek99 But there are different therapies to help people with tinnitus. For some these really do work. I hope someone has atleast told that man. Losing hope is the worst that can happen and when everyone says "there is no cure", that can really damage a guy...
  14. acklee

    Anyone know a good way to check if your listening at a "safe" volume?

    Quote: Originally Posted by pne that is really crazy. Was there absolutely no other solution for him? If i was that intent on getting the ringing to go away, i would look to surgery to deafen my eardrums or something. The problem with tinnitus is that it is not just a physical...
  15. acklee

    Anyone know a good way to check if your listening at a "safe" volume?

    The most important thing is to never ever crank the volume in order to drown out background noise. Try listening to your rig in absolute ambient silence and find the lowest setting that seems right to you. Later, if you find yourself needing to increase that volume to hear the music over people...
  16. acklee

    improving IPOD battery life Any merit in this?

    Quote: Originally Posted by callanish Just trying to figure out the how's and why's on how this could improve battery life. Would there be any truth to this or does this have steaming pile of you know what written all over it! This is absolutely, totally possible. The firmware...
  17. acklee

    ER-4s through the ipod's headphone jack?

    Quote: Originally Posted by tbuddha Does anyone know if the ipod in fact has a real line out feature? The iPod does have a line-out, but it is only accessible via the dock or a substitute (Sik Din, PocketDock, etc.)
  18. acklee

    How resilient are canal phones?

    I also go through like earbuds like crazy - partly because I don't treat them as well, and partly because they're just not made so well. I estimate I end up trashing Sony earbuds after about 6 months, but I have a pair of Ety ER-4S's which have been around over two years and are still in great...
  19. acklee

    canalphones: good seal=bass, no seal=no bass! why?

    All your vacuum are belong to us. Are we done arguing about semantics yet? To go back to the point of the thread, from my uninformed standpoint, it makes sense that a closed volume of air is necessary to make the bass audible. Think about one of those water syringes - when you press on the...
  20. acklee

    Question about minidisc & .wav

    Quote: Originally Posted by widds2v So, I should be able to rip a CD with wavpack (shrinking it down to ~300-350mb from 650mb), and put those .wav files directly on a Hi-MD without having it re-encode them to atrac or "cd" audio? If so, should be able to fit 2-3 CDs in CD quality per MD...
  21. acklee

    Equalizer use

    Quote: Originally Posted by bigshot Oh, by the way... I wasn't suggeting using compression and expansion as a noise reduction tool like with old 1/4 inch decks. I was talking about using it to expand the dynamics of a recording. Used properly, it can do a lot of good with no...
  22. acklee

    Equalizer use

    Quote: Originally Posted by bigshot As for compression, a good peak expander that doesn't pump works wonders. If you find one that you like the sound of, hang onto it. You're going to be needing it more and more as time goes by. I use mine about a third of the time. I've never...
  23. acklee

    Equalizer use

    Quote: Originally Posted by bigshot With the sorry state of disk mastering nowadays, I would need twenty or thirty different hardware upgrades to be able to comfortably listen to all of my CDs! I hear you on this one... unfortunately, the problem I have with most CDs these days is...
  24. acklee

    could we design a dap?

    Quote: Originally Posted by jsc3 The main reason that it won't get done is that everybody here is saying "it will never happen". The only thing that might make it happen is if some *individual* or *small* group just designs the thing and puts the spec out into the world to be freely...
  25. acklee

    Equalizer use

    Quote: Originally Posted by bigshot You don't need a Flame to edit your home videos any more than you need a Neve to equalize your home stereo. (That's overkill that even exceeds the norm for this board!) The "Guitar Center" equalizers are more than sufficient to make a living room...