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  1. Raziel_BG

    The FiiO E10K--all-new DAC and amp stages

    Yes, I am aware it has a gain switch, I own an E10K. :)   What I meant was that I did not want FiiO to get rid of it in any possible successor. FiiO does seem to use gain switches reasonably often (compared to other companies), I just wanted to stress that I like the option to change the gain...
  2. Raziel_BG

    The FiiO E10K--all-new DAC and amp stages

    I'm curious about this as well.   Are there any plans on releasing a successor to the E10K or something in the same class: a simple desktop DAC/amp that uses USB Audio (aka doesn't require additional drivers) and preferably with a gain switch?
  3. Raziel_BG

    How similar are the V-Moda M-100 to the Creative Aurvana Live!?

    Well, took a risk and managed to snatch a pair of M-100 on ebay for roughly 150 Euro which is 100 Euro less than their standard price   Writing to share my opinions, should anyone care. :)   The original owner definitely hadn't treated them with enough care. The thin mesh on the earpads and...
  4. Raziel_BG

    How similar are the V-Moda M-100 to the Creative Aurvana Live!?

    Or, alternatively, I can increase the budget to around $300. Anything similar to the CAL! that is an upgrade to it as well in that price range? :)   Damn you, Fostex, Y U not haz something between the CAL! and THxxx? :)
  5. Raziel_BG

    How similar are the V-Moda M-100 to the Creative Aurvana Live!?

    It guess I would have to start saving little by little for either the TH600 or TH610, as it would seem that if I want a real upgrade to the CAL it would indeed have to be another Fostex pair.   Can anyone here compare the CAL! to either or both the TH600 and TH610 so I can get a rough idea of...
  6. Raziel_BG

    How similar are the V-Moda M-100 to the Creative Aurvana Live!?

    I thought Ultrasone isn't generally well regarded, or is it only Tyll who doesn't like them? :)   Anyway, I will consider it, but based on its FR graph and the review it seems to have bass boost above the frequencies that I prefer. I like me a bass/sub-bass emphasis, rather than mid-bass.  ...
  7. Raziel_BG

    How similar are the V-Moda M-100 to the Creative Aurvana Live!?

    That's tricky because US prices are very different from European prices, and what is (for example) $100 in the US can easily be above $150 in Europe. But, roughly, I suppose around $200.
  8. Raziel_BG

    How similar are the V-Moda M-100 to the Creative Aurvana Live!?

    Thank you for your suggestions.   Yes, I'm aware that the CAL!'s are based on the Foster bio-cellulose drivers. I have also looked quite a bit at the Fostex headphones and they do indeed look like what I'm looking for, at least some of them. The TH900, based on descriptions does seem to put...
  9. Raziel_BG

    How similar are the V-Moda M-100 to the Creative Aurvana Live!?

    Hello,   I have both the CAL! and the CAL!2, and I love them both. However, I'm considering saving up for an upgrade to them, something with the same sound signature, just... better overall. Perhaps a just bit more clarity. I do like the CAL!'s smoothness but a tad more clarity overall...
  10. Raziel_BG

    Need help upgrading headphones (CAL!/HD681 EVO)

    I'm not saying it's impossible to find the X2, just that it might be trickier and/or more expensive than it is in the US.   I will look into the ATH-MSR7's though. Muchas thanks.
  11. Raziel_BG

    Need help upgrading headphones (CAL!/HD681 EVO)

    I guess i wasn't clear enough. I apologize for the confusion. I shall edit the first post to make this clearer.   I meant the headphones that I own already (HD681 EVO, CAL!, SE-A1000) are overall a bit lacking in treble. And I mean that they aren't lacking a lot, just a little. I used to own a...
  12. Raziel_BG

    Need help upgrading headphones (CAL!/HD681 EVO)

    Hello headphones people. I am in need of your knowledge, experience and expertise.   I currently have the Superlux HD681 EVO, Creative Aurvana Live! and Pioneer SE-A1000 but am considering an upgrade to either the Philips Fidelio X2 or one of the Beyerdynamic DT's, most likely the 770's...
  13. Raziel_BG

    Need a recommendation for a sound card for music and working properly under Win7 x64

    Thank you for the quick reply. Well, the HomeTheater HD is beyond my budget. The Prelude can't be found here so it's also out. This basically leaves the Forte and the D2X. I keep finding posts about how Auzentech cards die rather quickly or they have some annoying issues. Is all this...
  14. Raziel_BG

    Need a recommendation for a sound card for music and working properly under Win7 x64

    Hello all.   I'm expecting to switch to a 64-bit version of Windows 7 soon and I need a change of sound cards. Currently I'm using an Audiotrak Prodigy 7.1 HiFi but I would like a new sound card with proper Win7 x64 support. I'm guessing most or even all modern sound cards should have good...
  15. Raziel_BG

    Is the Chaintech AV-710 better than the Realtek ALC888?

    Quote:   Thanks. That's what I needed.  
  16. Raziel_BG

    Is the Chaintech AV-710 better than the Realtek ALC888?

    I don't care/need digital output. And I know that the 7/8 channels use the quality Wolfson DACs and that if those are used the AV-710 easily beats any on-board audio card and many low-to-mid end desecrete cards. I meant if we forgot about their existence for a moment. What about the rest of...
  17. Raziel_BG

    Is the Chaintech AV-710 better than the Realtek ALC888?

    As far as I know the ALC888 is pretty decent for an on-board sound source. The digital outputs and the quality Wolfson DACs for the 7/8 channels aside would the AV-710 be an actual upgrade compared to the ALC888?
  18. Raziel_BG

    Are Prodigy 7.1 Hi-Fi Win7 drivers compatible with the regular Prodigy 7.1?

    I don't exactly know and would start researching it as a last resort, as I already stated. So I can't help you.
  19. Raziel_BG

    Are Prodigy 7.1 Hi-Fi Win7 drivers compatible with the regular Prodigy 7.1?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gandor84 Can you tell me more about this flashing you mentioned? Link? Well, I haven't done it in a looong time and I didn't check for possible links to remind myself how to do it. You should try a Google search. I was simply asking if flashing is...
  20. Raziel_BG

    Are Prodigy 7.1 Hi-Fi Win7 drivers compatible with the regular Prodigy 7.1?

    Basically topic title says it all. There are no working drivers for the Prodigy 7.1 for Windows Vista/7 but for the Prodigy 7.1 Hi-Fi there are, or at least I read here and there that they are working fine. So can I use the Hi-Fi driver for the regular Prodigy? If not, how good/bad are the...
  21. Raziel_BG

    Need some advice on cheap headphones to be used with PC

    Well, I wasn't planning to go to my local store (ordering online isn't an option for the time being) today but things came up so I ended up there anyway. So I got a pair of HD 201's. 19.99 euro was within my budget. PX100 was also available but 50 euro is far too much for me at this time. Koss...
  22. Raziel_BG

    Need some advice on cheap headphones to be used with PC

    I tried searching but couldn't find much so I decided to drop a few lines. I need cheap headphones to use home on a PC. The budget: around $20 +/-$5. The cheaper, the better of course. The headphones should also sound decent. I know one can't get really quality sound but still they should...
  23. Raziel_BG

    Good and cheap portable player; recommendations?

    Just to drop by and say that I actually got me a Fuze. I was going to buy a Clip but re-checked my budget and decided that I can increase it a bit, so I got me a nice black Sansa Fuze 2GB + FM. I'm very pleased with it. The only thing I kind of dislike is the jog dial, which turns quite easily...
  24. Raziel_BG

    Good and cheap portable player; recommendations?

    OK, here's the deal. I currently own an Archos Gmini XS202 but it's not always possible to bring it with me so I'm looking for a cheap alternative. Here are my requirements: - decent price - under $100; - good sound quality - doesn't have to be unmatched or anything but I would like it to be...
  25. Raziel_BG

    Audiotrak Prodigy vs Prodigy Hi-Fi

    It should, but the question is does it really and if yes, how noticeable is it?