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  1. Divad1

    Buying portable or in-ear headphones? Seeking guidance? DON'T START A NEW THREAD. Ask for advice HERE!

    Hi all,   I've owned a pair of Jays q-jays for the past ~18 months which unfortunately broke over Christmas (left earphone has lost sound). I have grown to like the sound very much, and find them really comfortable due to the small size.   I would be really grateful if anyone could...
  2. Divad1

    Speaker stands for Q acoustic 1010

    Last year I bought some q acoustic 1010 speakers for my living room and they have been placed on the a cabinet since. I thought it was about time to get some stands and noticed that q acoustics make some for these speakers Q Acoustics 1000ST Bookshelf Speaker Stands However these are 55cm...
  3. Divad1

    Any news on new sennheisers this year?!

    Quote: Originally Posted by feh1325 and any time now, grado is gonna come out with the HF-2 so check the MOT forums obsessively I have been away from this forum for about a year now but have just returned as I was bored/possibly looking for some new full size headphones and...
  4. Divad1

    Onkyo cr505

    Hi there. first of all im a complete hifi noob, looking to get his first system (ive had quite a few headphones but no sound systems as yet). I have ordered a onkyo cr505 micro system which i found relatively cheap and read decent reviews for it. I then ordered q acoustics 1010 speakers which...
  5. Divad1

    Speakers for Onkyo Cr505

    Hi there. first of all im a complete hifi noob, looking to get his first system (ive had quite a few headphones but no sound systems as yet). I have ordered a onkyo cr505 micro system which i found relatively cheap and read decent reviews for it. I then ordered q acoustics 1010 speakers which...
  6. Divad1

    Help please, none of my recable's work!

    hi, if you dont mind can i ask a quick question. im going to cut off my old plug from my B&O A8s and hopefully put a new plug on (similar to what you've done so the pictures are very helpful, thanks). im not very good at electronics and have only used a soldiering iron probably 10 times, i...
  7. Divad1

    V-moda Vibes... The review is finished. (56k beware, big pics...)

    Quote: Originally Posted by jsrivo arrgghh!! Same situation here. Had it for around three months, and then the right ear failed. The only way to get it to work is if i jiggle around the wire near the jack. I hope the warranty covers this... Same situation here, happened last...
  8. Divad1

    Pen-Fi (FPs, RBs, BPs, etc...) [56k Warning]

    ive had my MB starwalker fountain pen for about 3 months now and although im very pleased with it occasionally when i write very fast (in exams) and my fingers slip up the metal grip i get ink leaking onto my fingers. i think there are some holes at the base of the nib (does anybody know why...
  9. Divad1

    B&O A8 recable

    ok went into maplins and spoke to a guy who was quite helpful, he said that he has tried a few times to attach a new plug with varying success, he says its pretty hit and miss and is very hard to get right- most of the time it sounds awful. anybody any tips for how to get it to sound good, there...
  10. Divad1

    V-moda Vibes... The review is finished. (56k beware, big pics...)

    they've had about 20 hours of pink noise and about 5 hours of my listening but i will try burning them in a bit more as well as trying a cd player to see if its the same. thanks for the advice, will post back later.
  11. Divad1

    V-moda Vibes... The review is finished. (56k beware, big pics...)

    is anybody else using these directly out of an ipod mini- they are ok but im not that impressed so far, im not too good with technical descriptions but the bass seems to be a bit overpowering and getting in the way of the vocals...its probably just because im come from stock sony buds with no...
  12. Divad1

    V-moda Vibes... The review is finished. (56k beware, big pics...)

    mine were waiting for me when i came home from school today straight out the box they are not that impressive but i will put some pink noise on my ipod and leave it playing tonight and hopefully will be more pleasable tomorrow.
  13. Divad1

    B&O A8 recable

    Ok thanks for all your help. I spoke to somebody who does electronics at college (although knows little about headphones) and he said that it might be easier to cut the plug off from an another pair of earphones and solder this onto the end of my B&O's. I was worried that this might have effects...
  14. Divad1

    B&O A8 recable

    Ok, theres no radioshack over in england- ill try maplins which generally sells electronic bits and pieces. thanks for the help- oooh actually now i think of it, i have made cables in physics before. do you strip the cable, thread the copper wire through a hole, tighten with a screwdriver and...
  15. Divad1

    B&O A8 recable

    Ok i only suspected that it was the jack because when the problem initially started, sound would return to the earpeice when the jack was moved/rotated however it no longer does. Does this sound like the jack has gone? also im sorry for the inexperience but could where could i buy a new jack...
  16. Divad1

    B&O A8 recable

    I have a pair of broken B&O A8's laying around (1 channel has died) which i would like to fix so i can use them for the gym (i have vibes coming tomorrow as a replacement but the B&Os should be a good spare). B&O said upto £60 for them to fix it (almost the price of the vibes) so i said know...
  17. Divad1

    Help with recable please! B&O A8?

    I have a pair of broken B&O A8's laying around (1 channel has died) which i would like to fix so i can use them for the gym (i have vibes coming tomorrow as a replacement but the B&Os should be a good spare). B&O said upto £60 for them to fix it (almost the price of the vibes) so i said know...
  18. Divad1

    Alessandro or Goldring DR150

    Dont forget to factor customs tax with your MS-1s. I was looking into getting some a while back and tax was upto about 30% if i remember correctly, so you could be paying £10-20 tax. if some other people in the UK have ordered MS1s it may be helpful to say exactly how much you paid on import duty.
  19. Divad1

    The Stax thread

    Thanks for all the comments, they'll all been very helpful. I think im going to go ahead and order vibes but im so curious about the stax im watching some on ebay atm and will bid what i can afford after getting the vibes...i wont be able to afford audiocubes ones and vibes because i think ill...
  20. Divad1

    The Stax thread

    Sorry if this is slightly off topic from above but was wondering if some of you fine stax lovers could help me. Im fairly new to headphones and have only just started to look into stax. I need new portable ear/headphones urgently because im using stock sonys!!!! (arrh my B&Os broke over...
  21. Divad1

    V-moda Vibes... The review is finished. (56k beware, big pics...)

    Does anybody know if you can buy the new colours in the UK? also whats the cheapest people have found in the UK, they're £70 from all authorised dealers but I think that importing from somewhere like earphonesolutions will be more expensive due to taxes. I would also be interested in any...
  22. Divad1

    V-moda Vibes... The review is finished. (56k beware, big pics...)

    I read in the review that the d-jay tips can be used and i have seen talk of shure fomies...i dont own any iems (except for old ex-71s which I have lost the tips for ages ago) and was just wondering can you purchase v-moda tips or will you be able to soon (im located in UK btw which is annoying...
  23. Divad1

    Help from "cool" members of the forum, can for a 16 year old

    Im 17 and I had the B&O A8 which many of my friends commented on looking cool. They suited me fine until last week when the wire broke and they wanted to chage me £60 for a replacement; but if this doesnt happen then I think they look like one of the coolest out there. Also never heard them but...
  24. Divad1

    Ear phone repair help please

    Ok thanks, but do you have the contact details for the service centre? My local B&O dealer said they would have to send to the service centre so I presume the cost will be the same, unless the Cambridge store take commission (surely not?)