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  1. lysdexik

    DT-880 Owner 250Ω budget amp/dac suggestions

    Can anyone help me choose between the above 2 combos?
  2. lysdexik

    DT-880 Owner 250Ω budget amp/dac suggestions

    I believe that I have narrowed my choice down to 2.   1. O2 + ODAC Separates   2. Schiit Asgard + Schiit Modi DAC   and then when I get some more money I will try and sell my 880's and go for some 990's.
  3. lysdexik

    DT-880 Owner 250Ω budget amp/dac suggestions

    I will consider upgrading just the headphones then, if I can get a good amount on the resale of my 880's.   However, I had an audiophile friend come over and configure JRiver media center for me and said that there may be some sort of bass roll-off feature on the FiiO amp that is preventing...
  4. lysdexik

    DT-880 Owner 250Ω budget amp/dac suggestions

    Quote: Thanks,   I should have mentioned but I am wondering if any of the Schiit products would give that combo a run for its money. Possibly the Asgard amp an the modi DAC?   I should also mention that I am using my PC as a source. Currently I am using SPDIF out on my computer into...
  5. lysdexik

    DT-880 Owner 250Ω budget amp/dac suggestions

    Hey everyone,   As the title states, I have a pair of DT-880's the 250Ω version and I am currently powering them with a FiiO E17 / E09K combo.   I purchased the amp and dac very recently on Amazon and I am already thinking about upgrading. I am still within the 30-day return window so I...
  6. lysdexik

    double post, please remove.

    double post, please remove.
  7. lysdexik

    Sennheiser HD598 + Digizoid ZO2??

    No I have not, I have been saving up some money TBH. I have the money to purchase what I want right now but it won't last long so I need some advice!
  8. lysdexik

    Sennheiser HD598 + Digizoid ZO2??

    Quote: Thank you for that link, it was a great read.   I am really tempted to purchase this combo but I was also looking at the FIIO E17 and unable to decide which one would be better.  
  9. lysdexik

    Sennheiser HD598 + Digizoid ZO2??

    bump looking for some feedback
  10. lysdexik

    Sennheiser HD598 + Digizoid ZO2??

    Anyone else?
  11. lysdexik

    Sennheiser HD598 + Digizoid ZO2??

    Hey all,   I have been researching my first "decent" pair of headphones purchase for quite some time now, and it looks like I have about $300 to spend ATM. The best combo that I have found seems to be the Sennheiser HD598's and the Digizoid ZO2 bass boosting amp. I have not had a chance to...
  12. lysdexik

    Reccomend me an amp for DT-880's

    Hey all,   I have been looking for a pair of headphones that are super comfortable and have great sound across the board for different types of music. I think that I have settles on the Beyer Dynamic DT-880's as they have a great sound stage and can sound good with many different genre's of...
  13. lysdexik

    Will a DIY amp work for these headphones?

    Oh well not a problem and I actually was suggested the dt 880s on from a thread that I made there. I was just looking for a little bit more confirmation before I made my decision. Like I said I will be using them mostly to listen to music and for a little bit of gaming on the...
  14. lysdexik

    Will a DIY amp work for these headphones?

      Quote:   Hey thanks alot for the input man, I really appreciate someone who knows what they are talking about when it comes to this stuff. My brother is actually in school for electrical engineering and he is the one who will be spearheading the creation of that CMoy amp that I linked...
  15. lysdexik

    Will a DIY amp work for these headphones?

    Even the 600 OHM ones? I hear they are alot smoother than the 32/250 OHM's
  16. lysdexik

    Will a DIY amp work for these headphones?

    So I have been debating between a few different sets of headphones and I am wondering if what I am proposing will work or not.   The headphones that I have been looking at are the Beyerdynamic DT-880's (32/250/600 OHM) as well as the Audio Technica ATH-AD900's, and the Sennheiser HD...