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  1. Mephil

    Phone Fi

    Got me a Samsung Galaxy S this wekk and i love it so far
  2. Mephil

    What age did you start drinking?

    the first time i had a drink i was probably eleven drank only a little bit till i was 14 i drink regularly and quite a lot since i'm 16 I am 20 now and have settled down a bit but i will attend an university in October and move out so i might drink a little bit more again
  3. Mephil

    Toshiba 40GB $99 alert

    damn, I just got myself an iAudio X5l....
  4. Mephil

    how do you talk to a girl in a bar?

    well there was this really hot girl I was attracted to and the only time we made out was after i got totally smashed and puked right in front of the pub ^^ gj mate oh and bars aren't that bad, I took my love to a club on our first date
  5. Mephil

    I have found my sound and to celebrate…….

    Nine Inch Nails - Halo 17 - And All That Could Have Been
  6. Mephil

    How much cash is in your wallet?

    about 260€ at the moment, but that is a little more than usual but cash cash is necessary here in germany, at least in bars and the like
  7. Mephil

    Post a Picture of What You're DRINKING Now!

    tastes... well... funny somehow... but it is expensive as hell over here in germany I will edit in my digicam pic
  8. Mephil

    iem's on a motorcycle

    I should tell you not to do it as it might distract you from driving but to be honest I did it a few times too... I have to admit that it does not distract you more than the noise froom the wind etc and even thorugh the seal you can hear your motor, horns etc....
  9. Mephil

    Guys, why does plugging your 'phones into the tv socket, cut out the tv's sound?

    not every TV works this way... Loewe TVs for example have their speakers and headphone out regulated manually
  10. Mephil

    Free LEGAL Downloading...

    wma is just a no-no edit: but yeah, YamiTenshi is right... its free
  11. Mephil

    Bagpipes AGAIN! - calling the cops

    Quote: Originally Posted by plainsong LOL, are you one of those who feels free to be as loud as you want when you want, anyone else that can hear you be damned? If I need to sleep, and the sound ordinance says I have that right, then bagpipe-man has to go. The rules are on my side, not...
  12. Mephil

    Bagpipes AGAIN! - calling the cops

    don't you overreact a little bit?
  13. Mephil

    Imagining the Ten Dimensions

    It really helped me to undestand the ten dimensions a little, awesome.
  14. Mephil

    Music like "Once again with Feeling"

    I'm all over the OsST of the Buffy episode "once more with feelingg- the musical" and now im searching for similiar music and I hope you can makes some good suggestions. Thanks in advance -Mephil
  15. Mephil

    Just got my first motorcycle!

    thats a really nice bike you got yourself there man, congratulations I hope you'll have loads of fun with it. I'm looking forward to extending my motorcycle license past 125cc next month =) @Kirosa, don't give up to easily(sp?), my parents did not want me to ride a motorcycle in the first...
  16. Mephil

    Well, I've made the jump...

    I do not like ubuntu, reasons are mentioned already. But I think it is really cool that you bit the bullet and killed windows entirely to try linux. I hope you have a nice4 experience with it for a long time, getting into linux is learning. could someone (Aman, maybe) tell me something...
  17. Mephil

    Grados & Tinnitus

    I also have problems with tinitus lately.... sometimes out of the blue i get high frequency noise attacks... the side changes and its nut connected to high noise before it appears.... maybe I should try to turn off my pc when i sleep since it emits high frequency noise due to the hdds dude...
  18. Mephil

    Are lossy encoded formats defining the audio quality standard for the future?

    at every show is avaible in both 128 cbr mp3 and flac =) I'd hate to see mp3 become the standard... and even worse 128kbit cbr.. it sounds just awful.... I'm a geek and almost all my music is on my pc but I dislike when compression outweights soundquality..
  19. Mephil

    Wow. Nickleback sucks. Proof!

    Throwing rocks at musicans is just plain wrong, if you dont like them dont watch their performace,it does not matter how bad a band actually is
  20. Mephil

    post pics of your headphone set up and listening area

    I have 684,5gigabyte of storage (2*200gb+250gb+80gb)and i only have like 40 free gbs left and i already burnt most of my anime stuff to dvd, half a spindle(does this word exist?)... it quickly adds up if you collect series and/or music
  21. Mephil

    How Old Are You?

    17 and overwhelmed by the possibilities and consequences in life :P reading headfi for a few years now..
  22. Mephil

    Californication sounds like $@#!

    I think there is an unmastered(overmixed) version of californication out there. look at these pictures source: forum (I read about it in another forum) download (legal): unfortunatley (if it is really not the ****ed up...
  23. Mephil

    This is truly the BEST SONG EVER

    I really like Lordi and i voted for them^^ but i have to admit that I also like Kiss, twisted sister, alice cooper and rock like that
  24. Mephil

    Things that just don't matter

    Quote: Originally Posted by marvin Which is why I called it one of the Boses of beer. About the same as major brand lite beer, but with an outsized rep and at a higher price. I know a fair amount of people who refuse to drink anything from Coors/Bud/Miller but swear by Corona. Go...