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  1. robotmak

    Denon AH-D2000 Ear Pads getting warm and uncomfortable - Advise Needed

    Is there another one other than hd598. I don't like the color. I prefer black.  Any other outside my list?
  2. robotmak

    Denon AH-D2000 Ear Pads getting warm and uncomfortable - Advise Needed

    thanks for the comments. I was thinking of open headphone that can power by iphone. I listen to flac and/or itune plus lossless. I focus on wide sound stage, good clear mids, and tight bass.   Is any of the following comparable to the Denon AH-D2000   My portable IEM is Shure SE535  ...
  3. robotmak

    Denon AH-D2000 Ear Pads getting warm and uncomfortable - Advise Needed

    Hi,   I just got my Denon AH-D2000. I like the sound. I like everything about it except the earpads are getting warm with minimal uses (15 minute or so).  It's getting too warm to be comfortable to wear. I have to take them on to cool down.   Any recommendations? I'm about to either...
  4. robotmak

    Kramer-mod... KSC75...

    i am new to this mod. Just order the clip-on and want to start modding. below are questions:   1. Where can i get better cables like see everyone uses? 2. where can i get plugs that will work with iphone b/c it is recess? 3. any videos or instructions in taking it apart and soldering...