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  1. HardDrive

    Pioneer SE-a1000 vs Ad700 and HD558 for gaming

    Hello, Its been awhile since I posted. I was looking for another set of headphones to use for movie watching and gaming on my PC. I already own a pair of well worn ad700s and a pair of CALs that I use on occasion as well. I recently heard about the pioneer se-a1000 which originally retailed at...
  2. HardDrive

    HTC One X with USB DAC?

    Also try using an interconnect if your still having problems. Try connecting a usb hub to the otg cable and then the DAC. That way your phone isn't confused about the script thinking the device is actually a charger. This should cause the phone to go into host mode once it detects the hub...
  3. HardDrive

    Optimize computer sound without spending money.

    Question: do you have a HDTV and a spare HDMI port? If yes, use it! The internal sound card and sound processing coming from you TV is likely to superior of the 50 cent mangle of capacitor and relay that they put on the MB for integrated soundcard. Other thing is check your sound settings and...
  4. HardDrive

    Can Anyone Recommend a Tablet PC?

    Well actually this is a topic I'm very familiar with as it is what I do for a living. And as an avid Android fan-boy, and part-time scripter/developer, the best bang for your buck is a clear thumbs up to the Nexus 7. Pure glitch-free Google supported pure-android environment and some pretty...
  5. HardDrive

    The Monoprice MP9927 PG 208.. MP8320 (MEP-933)..The $7.11 club..

    Just to make another contribution to the 8320's. I have to say I'm still impressed. Picked up a pair back around the holidays after hearing about the rage, and was skeptical, but have several ksc75, so I was well aware that the miracle was possible. Just set up another order  for a third pair...
  6. HardDrive

    Do I need an amp for this gaming setup?

    * bump No one knows? Does anyone know the Ohm range for the internal DSS amp? I don't want to add another amp after the DSS as my understanding is 2 amps can distort then sound and bring up the overall SNR. Also are there any sonic advantages/disadvantages to using SPDIF audio direct from the...
  7. HardDrive

    Do I need an amp for this gaming setup?

    Okay I just pulled the trigger on a gaming rig with My Vizio 37" (my TV has an optical out so I'm not going directly for the Xbox 360) with optical going to a Turtle Beach DSS, then to my HD555. I was also going to throw a Volume control in there then found out the hd555 come with a 10 ft cable...
  8. HardDrive

    Are you backing up your digital collection ?

    To the OP, YES YES YES!!! In my IT courses I have had regimented into me that data that is worth keeping should have 3-4 alternative backups! I keep a drive for standard windows backups, a 1tb drive redundancy backups of media, and then I keep a 2tb usb 3.0 drive for imaging/cloning my drive...
  9. HardDrive

    suggestions for usb headphone setup under $200

    I think traditionally the best setups but the headphones as the top of the list (spend the most here), then the source, then amps (if required), then cables.
  10. HardDrive

    Not too expensive external ( USB ) soundcard/audio interface

    You could get the Creative Sound Blaster X-fi HD in that range, not sure if you care about more then 2 channels for audio outputting. Is this going to mainly for speakers, headphones, or both?
  11. HardDrive

    best integrated audio? (i have Conexant CX20671)

    I haven't used the CX20671 but I have used Conexant before. I had one in an older desktop that shipped w/o a pci sound card. I was rather happy with it . I did end up putting a audigy (they were still new then). One of the biggest factors for quality of integrated soundcards is the design and...
  12. HardDrive

    Why all HDMI cables are the same... from cnet news

    This same thing can be applied to USB cables as well.   Essentially the only differences that matter is durability and not having a short in it. Bottom line you can get this with $3 or $300. As was said before HDMI and USB are digital, either the bits get there or they don't  and its either...
  13. HardDrive

    PLease help me choose

      Quote: I like the ksc75s and 35s personally. Never really heard a whole lot about the jvcs, but at the price range the koss hp should still have a outstanding price/preformace ratio. Thats the beauty of Koss. You don't always have to give up your left leg to get decent sounding...
  14. HardDrive

    I have a hi-end Dell Precision Laptop but the sound output sucks. Solutions ( I have spdif ) ?

    Quote: I do! The Turtle Beach Micro II comes with a s/pdif adpater so you can use it for digital or analog and offers great SQ. Even better is that it is only £21.76 w/ free shipping anywhere in the UK. I have had one of these for about 6 months now and I love it. one of the best...
  15. HardDrive

    Monster Supertips - BAD Impression

    I haven't tried the tips but I have had a somewhat negative experience with Monster products. I had a M/M 3.5mm cable but returned it the next day when the cap covering the ends of the extensions slide off revealing a large ugly lump of solder. I think Monster is one of those customer inflated...
  16. HardDrive

    What makes a hard drive reliable ??

      Quote: Yeah WD is a good company and I haven't heard anything bad about those green drives, just the seagate ones. I was actually doing a google search about failed drives and their were about 5 results on the first page about Seagate greens and them failing. Everything I have bought...
  17. HardDrive

    question about DAC's and HDMI

    ditto As for making sure it's using the DAC in the TV instead of computers, it does so automatically. When you plug in a device either USB or HDMI Windows treats it like a device ergo, a self autonomous device. Any audio (playback or recording) device which can connect through USB or HDMI has...
  18. HardDrive

    Not too expensive external ( USB ) soundcard/audio interface

    What kind of price range are you looking at?
  19. HardDrive

    What makes a hard drive reliable ??

    Now this is something I can definitely be a help with! The failure rates for high density drives (1tb and up) is the result of a mixed bag of misunderstanding HDDs and poor production by some manufacturers (ahem, seagate ). I have over 8tb worth of space between my computers at home, and I can...
  20. HardDrive

    USB external sound card recommendations w/ a DAC & digital-output. ($0-$150)

    The Turtle Beach Audio Advantage Micro II could fit that bill with a pretty small amount of wallet shock. It comes with s/pdif adapter. It is driverless for analog but you have to go to the TB website for the driver if you want digital. Personally I can attest to this little guy being a great...
  21. HardDrive

    Uber cheap USB soundcards vs. integrated sound

    Hi everyone, This is my first post but have been following the forum for consultation on headphones since my first real purchase back in Nov 2010. I've always been a big computer hardware. gear head and got into audio awhile ago and got recommended here. Any who, I have a pretty...