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  1. RandomShortGuy

    beyer t70 & t70p NEW!

    Question for T70 owners, I'm looking at purchasing the T70 used, but the person says the letters on the cups are missing... Are they stickers or something? Or does this just scream counterfeit? 
  2. RandomShortGuy

    DT990 600 Ohm Driver was intermittent and is now unresponsive.

    Hey all. I bought a pair of DT990s 600 Ohm about 2.5 years ago.    About 6 months ago my left driver would randomly cut out (they've been subject to falls every so often due to my being clumsy and the really long cord, but there haven't been any serious falls as of late). I could remedy the...
  3. RandomShortGuy

    Listening Fatigue with DT990/600s

    Quote: Forgive me if I'm being a complete idiot here, but I was under the impression that the Schitt Valhalla had an output impedance of up to 600 Ohm, hence why I bought them in the first place.    Also, I couldn't find anything about a ETY P-S cable on google other than them being...
  4. RandomShortGuy

    Listening Fatigue with DT990/600s

    That's really unfortunate... I was really excited for these. I'll give them a little more time I suppose. 
  5. RandomShortGuy

    Listening Fatigue with DT990/600s

      Quote: Really now? I was not expecting that at all... By The Way was the first CD I ever bought and it's always been one of my favorites, and I figured it'd be the perfect reference. Oh well. The other problem is a lot of my lossless stuff like Parov Stelar have have an intentional...
  6. RandomShortGuy

    Listening Fatigue with DT990/600s

    So far I've only had about 50 or so hours of burn in. As for music, I'm listening to Daft Punk and Red Hot Chili Peppers at around 900 Kbps as my reference.   I really hope it's the burn in, I had more than a few people recommend the Valhalla when I was looking for an amp to go to with my...
  7. RandomShortGuy

    Listening Fatigue with DT990/600s

    Hey all,   My current setup:   PC --> Foobar2000 --> Optic --> Maverick Tubemagic D1 --> Schiit Valhalla --> Beyerdynamic DT990 600 Ohm Premium     Last night my Valhalla finally came in (listening to the DT990/600 on a D1 for a week waiting for the Valhalla to come off of back...
  8. RandomShortGuy

    About to pull the trigger on a Schiit Valhalla. Any comments for a newbie?

    Thank you all for your input! I have placed an order for my very own Schiit Valhalla.
  9. RandomShortGuy

    About to pull the trigger on a Schiit Valhalla. Any comments for a newbie?

    Hey all,    After finally landing a decent paying job, I've been slowly upgrading my computer over the past 6 months.   I'm mainly a gamer (casual, not competitive)  but I've recently delved into lossless audio (Rock, Jazz, and Electronica). As of now I'm running a Maverick D1 to my...
  10. RandomShortGuy

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Hey all, I'm sorry if this isn't the correct place for this, but I didn't see the equivalent of this thread in the Amp forum.   I've searched countless threads trying to find an amp that works for me. I just purchased a pair of DT990/600 and I'm looking for an amp to drive them as my...
  11. RandomShortGuy

    how many of you guys cook???

    Aw man! Jerk chicken. It's hard to explain, it's a little bit spicy, has an abundance of flavor, with an almost smokey taste to it as well. Great texture to it as well. I highly recommend looking up some recipes for it. It's not expensive to make, and it is delicious. 
  12. RandomShortGuy

    Maverick Audio TubeMagic D1 (DAC/Amp) - Condensed FAQ and Info Thread

    Thank for the awesome feedback! Being a college student, I'm not exactly made of money so I'm just trying to get the best out of what I can within a budget I can afford.   As of now, it looks like I'm going to try and find a DT990/600, sell my M50s (which may be a little difficult as the...
  13. RandomShortGuy

    [GUIDE] Sonic Differences Between DT770-DT990 Models & More

    Just a quick question. I'm really interested in purchasing a pair of DT990/600 to replace my ATH M50s. As of now I'm running from my PC via optical to a Tubemagic D1 to my M50s.    Does any one have any experience with this combination? 
  14. RandomShortGuy


    Man, you guys make me want to really invest some time into another headphone stand. I just bought a $5 bamboo banana holder, cut off the metal hook and sanded it down to make it smooth. Looks kinda cheesy compared the things I'm finding in here. 
  15. RandomShortGuy

    ath m50 :(

    We've all had shipping mishaps. I'm sorry that it happened to you, but it's not that bad really. You didn't state that you needed the headphones as soon as possible. Yeah, it's lame you have to wait 2-3 more weeks, but I own them, and they are great headphones. Just be patient and just figure...
  16. RandomShortGuy

    Beginner musical education for adults?

        1. What is your age? 23   2. Do you play a musical instrument? Why or why not? No. I never really fell into it in school so I never really started it as a hobby either (video games, D&D, model building, martial arts, break dancing, surfing, snowboarding, long boarding, etc.) I own an...
  17. RandomShortGuy

    how many of you guys cook???

    As for what I can cook? Just about anything. Now, if it will be good? That's the real question. I'd say I'm pretty good with spicy and cheese emphasized dishes. Jerk Chicken is one of my favorites, (learned from an old roommate from the Virgin Islands, he was a god among men when it came to his...
  18. RandomShortGuy

    Sorry but I've got to vent...

    I can't really offer any advice, but I'd still like to say I'm sorry. I'm fairly new to the site, but I've come across a number of your posts, all of which were very helpful. Crappy things happen to the best of us unfortunately. I hope things work out for you.
  19. RandomShortGuy

    Maverick Audio TubeMagic D1 (DAC/Amp) - Condensed FAQ and Info Thread

    So, I got my D1 about a month ago, started picking some lossless audio, and I'm fairly pleased. Though I'm a bit curious about tubes. I keep hearing about them but I'm not sure what they do exactly. How does it affect my listening experience?   I currently own a pair of M50s and I'm looking...
  20. RandomShortGuy

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Interested in buying a pair of headphones dedicated to PC gaming. I currently own a pair of M50s, which apparently are terrible for gaming according to I own a Tubemagic D1 DAC...
  21. RandomShortGuy

    Maverick Audio TubeMagic D1 (DAC/Amp) - Condensed FAQ and Info Thread

    Hey all,   I just wanted to clarify a few things about the D1. Sadly I'm very new to all of this.   As of now what I imagine my set up to look like: Computer --> Fiber Optic cord --> D1 --> ATH-m50.   I also have a Sony STR DE135 200 watt Receiver laying around if that is of any use...
  22. RandomShortGuy

    Computer Gamer looking to get into a better audio set up

    Just finished Witcher 2 and Hunted. I casually play LoL, but I'm definitely going to get Mass Effect 3, Diablo 3, Skyrim, Old Republic and MW3.
  23. RandomShortGuy

    Computer Gamer looking to get into a better audio set up

    I just wanted to be sure, but the external DAC/AMP essentially does the same thing as an internal sound card? I've always been about visual quality first and foremost but now that I've upgraded my computer's video cards, I'm realizing I don't know anything about audio quality.   I don't need...
  24. RandomShortGuy

    Computer Gamer looking to get into a better audio set up

      Hello all! After landing a decent paying co-op, I've been looking to upgrade my audio experience with gaming and music (Classic and Alternative Rock, Electronica, and Jazz). Right now I'm running my father's old Sony Stereo and Speaker set up (Don't know the model number of the stereo off...