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  1. b1gs341

    Cheap Amp for DT-880 ~$100 please dont hurt me ;-)

    How well would some of the used ~$100 PINTs do from the sell forum?
  2. b1gs341

    Cheap Amp for DT-880 ~$100 please dont hurt me ;-)

    Would a Go-Vibe 4 work well enogh to be worth it? How about a LDII+?
  3. b1gs341

    Cheap Amp for DT-880 ~$100 please dont hurt me ;-)

    I have been looking at buying a pair of DT-880s as they are cheaply available on the FS forums at around $200 and seem to be much better than other easier to drive Headphones HD-595, AT ATH 900s, DT 770s, etc. Then I noticed that people seemed to think you need a $300+ dollar amp to drive...
  4. b1gs341

    noob looking for good headphone setup ~$200

    I've had alot of fun first listening to Koss Porta pros and now Etymotic ER6i but now that Ive got some free money I really want to get a good setup. My goal is to spend $500 for source, headphones and whatever else is needed. I was planning to spend like $200 on a used 60GB ipod photo so...
  5. b1gs341

    Ety ER-6i

    Do you guys think the Er-6i would be best for me or would something else be better. I need to stay under $150 with or without an amp and for it to be somewhat poratable.
  6. b1gs341

    Ety ER-6i

    The PA2V2 looks pretty good. I probably wont have time to DIY as I'm really busy with school. I was reading through the amp information and I relized it needs some kind of interconnect. Is the included one okay or should I look at an after market one. I'm really hoping not to spead more than...
  7. b1gs341

    Ety ER-6i

    I've been reading alot of the opinions of this forum and i've come to the conclusion that the Ety ER-6i might be a good headphone for me. The only thing that concerns me is the lack of base. Would a cheap Cmoy amp help to improve the bass. I'm not a basshead or anything but I listen to alot of...
  8. b1gs341

    When Kernel Streaming any sound stops playback...

    I cant seem to find a way to fix this either. Does anyone atleast know a way to get the sound to restart without restarting the comp when it goes out.
  9. b1gs341

    Noob looking for first good headphones <100

    So I take it everyone recommends the senns over the ATs.
  10. b1gs341

    Noob looking for first good headphones <100

    Whats the difference between the senns and the Audio Technica. I have heard people saying the senns give a mellow sound. Would this be good for games and DVDs?
  11. b1gs341

    Noob looking for first good headphones <100

    I'm looking for some decent headphones to use for comp gaming, DVD playback, and some music. It will be driven from a chaintech sound card. They need to be comfortable for long periods of listening and hopefully somewhat closed (I would consider open if they are an amazing sound quality gain)...