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  1. jan1024188

    Musical Fidelity V90-HPA + Grado SR125i?

    Hello,   I'm currently abroad, and I need a headphone based hi-fi system until I get home to my Hi-Fi. I have a macbook pro and a pair of Grado SR125i. But the sound quality is just garbage.   So I need a DAC and a headphone amp. I wouldn't mind trying some new heaphones as well (if better...
  2. jan1024188

    The best music player software for Mac ?

    I prefer Audirvana Plus too. Its far best, works great with my DAC. I just wish they put more options to listing and add notifications on song change. When Im on fly, and don't have DAC connected I use clementine or songbird.
  3. jan1024188

    Buying a subwoofer Yamaha YST SW515 or SoundPro D1.19

    I know its headphones forum, I registered when I bought my first Grado.   I heard Yamaha has poor reproduction, people complain about ****ty sounds in movie scenes where there are low-frequency themes.
  4. jan1024188

    Buying a subwoofer Yamaha YST SW515 or SoundPro D1.19

    I am choosing between these two:   I get Yamaha ones for 200eur and AudioPro ones for 300eur. AudioPro are only 6.5" and much less...
  5. jan1024188

    Help me choose good headphones

    Maybe is it because of the design of open heaphones? Is there any way to tune/amplify or something?
  6. jan1024188

    Help me choose good headphones

    Ok guys, I just got my 80i today, and I have to say I am impressed and dissapointed at same time. They are very lightweight, comfortable and feel great to wear. But sound outputted is too mild, not aggressive enough for my music taste.   I mean they are fine for song like...
  7. jan1024188

    Help me choose good headphones

    Ok, I ordered both SR80i AND SR325is. I will be using 80s with my ipod and 325s with my pc.
  8. jan1024188

    Help me choose good headphones

    any arguments? as I feel 80i would be more comfy to wear.
  9. jan1024188

    Help me choose good headphones

    Ok, grado SR80i or SR325is?
  10. jan1024188

    Help me choose good headphones

    I dont care if headphones leak some sound, and I have no idea about ohms.   I just want some comfy, good quality headphones. Any exact model references?
  11. jan1024188

    Help me choose good headphones

    P.S.: I've been looking at Grado, but have no idea which one would fit my needs the best...
  12. jan1024188

    Help me choose good headphones

    Ok, I  unfortunately live with parents, so I can only listen to music via headphones. I've search several entertainment stores and all I can find is rubbish junk that is waste of money.   I would like quality headphones (price range up to $400), that would: Be comfortable even with long...