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  1. perplex1

    im starting to get the feeling that head fi is mostly dudes..

    the reason why there are no women on these forums, is the same for anywhere else on the internet...   They are in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. That is a woman's dream.     (off color humor, but I couldn't resist) i dont think that way btw
  2. perplex1

    Why are the 'Beats by Dre' louder than my 'Sennheiser HD650's'?

    Quote: awesome post! nice analogy!
  3. perplex1

    Why are the 'Beats by Dre' louder than my 'Sennheiser HD650's'?

    Okay, Just found out that the batteries do indeed help power an internal headphone amp.    So that means if you run them through a dedicated headphone amp, the sound will be double amplified.   well, im returning my purity audio kicas due to my ignorance.  The FA-66 audio interface I...
  4. perplex1

    Why are the 'Beats by Dre' louder than my 'Sennheiser HD650's'?

    Okay Guys, don't ask me why I have the 'Beats by dre', I just do.    And when I first got them, I really liked the sound.  But ever since then, I was on a quest to get some better audio equipment. My next set were some HD555's I got soon after.  I always noticed how the "beats by dre" were...
  5. perplex1

    Budget headphone amp for K702 for studio use

    what made you go for the corda swing exactly? im curious, it looks good
  6. perplex1

    Any retractable solutions for pliable headphone cords like the stock HD650 cables??

    I hate cords (can't wait for true 100% quality wireless headphone audio streaming).   So I run the cord under my table. Is there any retractable solutions for the headphone cords?   That would be pretty cool id think. Just want to know if anything like this exists? And where to get it?
  7. perplex1

    E9 vs the world

    it looks like you are favoring the e9.  You should just get the E9, since it is able to be purchased from a US dealer.    If it suits your needs, then keep it.  If not, return it.   can't say the same with the overseas products though
  8. perplex1

    Anybody have the Purity Audio KICAS with the HD650's?

    awesome, glad to hear that. thanks
  9. perplex1

    Anybody have the Purity Audio KICAS with the HD650's?

    I am currently awaitng my KICAS in the mail, and I want to know if any of you guys have this combo.  Can you tell me how you like it?  Thank you
  10. perplex1

    LittleDot MK V or Matrix M-Stage, maybe Asgard for DT-880pro(250)?

    have you checked out the purity audio Kicas and caliente versions? they are going for around 250 right now due to a recent price drop, they were originally 399 i think   they've gotten some good reviews on these forums. the Kicas is sold as being a neutral / analytical amp, while the...
  11. perplex1

    Budget headphone amp for K702 for studio use

    wow that dynalo looks awesome.  The only thing about overseas products is the return hassle if you have to use the warranty.   If that wasn't a factor, I wouldn't have been so sure on pulling the trigger on my KICAS
  12. perplex1

    Sorry, another HD650 and Amp Thread ($200-300 budget)

    yea the regular kicas.  im using my hd650s for mixing, and i needed a more neutral amp.  so im hoping it will all work out!   + I already am getting great service from them.  I emailed them about some shipping stuff, and they responded within a matter of minutes!
  13. perplex1

    Sorry, another HD650 and Amp Thread ($200-300 budget)

    I just ordered the Purity Audio K.I.C.A.S. for my HD650's.  I will let you all know how it sounds.
  14. perplex1

    Schitt Asgard + Sennheiser HD650?

    Quote: does it add any coloration?  Im interested in these for analyzing/referencing music. like mixing tracks etc..
  15. perplex1


    Quote: it was a gift :/ i also have some senn hd555's not in the pictture. i just recently got the 650's but i actually found some use for the beats when checkin some bass dynamics
  16. perplex1


    I had a left over toilet roll holder due to a recent fixture switch. we got it from home depot. I installed it under my desk.     works pretty good with my setup.
  17. perplex1

    Anyone ever bought stuff off Ecom Electronics? I ordered the HD650 from them.

    Quote:  i would love the ha-160, however my budget will only allow for sub $300.00. that's why the kicas and the asgard were my choices :(   budgeting sucks flamingo knees
  18. perplex1

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Please HD650ers with headphone amps.  WHAT DO YOU RECOMMEND for the HD650 for a budget of $300.00 or less (not a penny more!) I am currently torn between the Purity Audio K.I.C.A.S or the Schiit Asgard.  I need a neutral amp that adds NO coloration.  Also, I have decided not to look into the...
  19. perplex1

    Anyone ever bought stuff off Ecom Electronics? I ordered the HD650 from them.

    steveotron thanks for the input, but i decided to keep them.ugh, will shop around better next time.   I got them wednesday afternoon, which is pretty good.  They shipped monday, so that was an entire week from my order date. And what was weird is that they are located in NY but it shipped...
  20. perplex1

    Budget headphone amp for K702 for studio use

    hmm the lovely cube is appealing in regards to price, but the DIY part deters me easy.  The matrix-m stage is also a good choice, but i have a built-in wearyness from products overseas.   I like the kicas because i think it is going to suit my needs better.  I have some hd650's that i will...
  21. perplex1

    Budget headphone amp for K702 for studio use

    Quote: wow thanks for that link! i read the entire thing.  Hmm makes me a lil sad though, i had high hopes for the asgard for some reason.  Its still not out of the picture yet though since i've read they flow better with the senn's than other brands.  But just the fact that i haven't...
  22. perplex1

    Sorry, another HD650 and Amp Thread ($200-300 budget)

    yup i officially am debating on the schiit asgard and the purity audio k.i.c.a.s.   come Feb 1 i will pull the trigger on one of them, must decide which one
  23. perplex1

    Sorry, another HD650 and Amp Thread ($200-300 budget)

    Quote: have you tried both? im getting the kicas for reference purposes (mixing) so i think the caliente might be too warm for me
  24. perplex1

    Sorry, another HD650 and Amp Thread ($200-300 budget)

    yes yes i know! i even have one!  but my equipment moves around a lot and its easier to unplug 1/4 jacks than rca jacks.   but i have already came to terms with it.  also i have decided to get the purity audio k.i.c.a.s. with my HD650s!, will wait till pay day on the first to buy them though :/
  25. perplex1

    Budget headphone amp for K702 for studio use

    Quote: thanks for this! the kicas/caliente looks like a top contender for my budget!  its either this or the asgaard.  what do you think? 