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  1. extollere

    Q701 impressions thread

    Hello. Bought a pair of these in white. Mine are made in China, but I seem to notice no issues with these at all (I have nothing to compare them to anyways). Great build quality, fantastic sound... About those bumps though. I don't seem to notice them most of the time. Occasionally I can feel...
  2. extollere

    Question About Volume Control (Speakers + DAC/Amp)

    Hmmm, I don't really notice distortion with the digital controls at max. I also don't seem to notice a difference if I apply ReplayGain (with or without clipping), or if I lower the volume. I guess for now I will leave the uDAC-2's pot at max, and adjust through the speaker pot.   Actually...
  3. extollere

    Question About Volume Control (Speakers + DAC/Amp)

    Quote: Interesting. When you say digitally, do you mean by using digital volume controls through the computer? I was under the impression that lowering those caused a slight (maybe not even perceptible...) degradation of sound quality.    
  4. extollere

    Question About Volume Control (Speakers + DAC/Amp)

    Quote:   Thanks for the reply. Is there as specific reason to do it like this? I don't know much about electronics or audio equipment, so I'm just curious as to why it should work better this way.
  5. extollere

    Question About Volume Control (Speakers + DAC/Amp)

    I have a short, and noobish question about controlling the volume on my cheap set-up. Basically I have a set of powered computer speakers hooked up to a uDAC. The Speakers, and the uDAC both have volume pots. Should I set the uDAC's volume pot to max, and adjust the volume on the speakers? Or...
  6. extollere

    The ATH-AD700 Discussion Thread

    I've had my AD700's for almost 2 months now. I have to say that I love them. Bought for $90 on amazon. I've been primarily listening to contemporary classical, film scores, and electronic ambient. These just sound so great. I also bought a uDAC-2 to compliment them (although, looking back on it...
  7. extollere

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: NEW Nuforce uDAC-2 with 24/96 - USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    Quote:   Thanks for replying. I've read both of those links and they were very helpful. I couldn't get ASIO to run on my player correctly, but I'm using WASAPI bit perfect output, and this thing sounds great. Switching from the uDAC 2, back to the on board audio and there is a huge...
  8. extollere

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: NEW Nuforce uDAC-2 with 24/96 - USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

      Quote: Ah thanks for your reply, but now i'm a little confused, so I'll ask a few more questions. When you say "DAC" I'm thinking about another piece of electronic hardware... but when I said adapter I was thinking something like this...
  9. extollere

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: NEW Nuforce uDAC-2 with 24/96 - USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    Quote: Cool - so let me ask one more question. Does the headphone plugged in shut off the Coax out in the back as well? And if not - can the coax out be used to send a single to the speakers via an adapter of some sort? (I'm a terrible noob at all this...)
  10. extollere

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: NEW Nuforce uDAC-2 with 24/96 - USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    Quote: I don't have a receiver. My external speakers are plugged into the RCA outs on the back of the uDAC via some male RCA to female 1/8" connections. Is there a way to hook up the 1/8" speaker plug to the digital out jack? Do the RCA out lines automatically turn off the headphone jack...
  11. extollere

    Looking for an Amp/DAC

    I've got the AD700, and I just picked up a uDAC 2. Sound is much better than onboard audio was. You can get the uDAC 2 HP (same but without RCA out lines) for right about $100. I'd recommend other models too, but this is all I've tried so far...
  12. extollere

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: NEW Nuforce uDAC-2 with 24/96 - USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    Hey there - new member. Picked up a uDAC 2 recently and I love it. However I have one question that I couldn't find the answer to anywhere. My wife and I share the same studio space, and sometimes I like to listen to headphones while I work. However, she often wants me to play the music through...