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  1. enchained

    Darkest Desires Part V

    a couple b&b things you might try (both of which I believe I found out about on earlier incarnations of this thread =]) Draconian - a bit slower in pace & more oppressive in feel, sound kinda like My Dying Bride with b&b vocals. also less polished than the others you mentioned, but I like 'em...
  2. enchained

    Darkest Desires Part V

    I'm sidestepping topics a bit, but for any of you fellow 'merkins (canucks too) that don't know, Therion is touring over here right now (I believe for the first time), and I've gotta plug this thing as much as I can...we saw them in Minneapolis last night and I feel extremely lucky to have made...
  3. enchained

    Darkest Desires Part V

    Megalomania is the one has been feeding me, I'm definitely going to try and track down a physical copy if i can manage to find one for less than the $30 amazon wants
  4. enchained

    Darkest Desires Part V

    most of what I like is well travelled ground around here, I started out with the symphonic/b&b stuff (tristania, after forever, therion etc..) maybe 2 years ago and have been slowly expanding outwards as funds allow. before venturing in the "dark" direction i listened to what I guess you call...
  5. enchained

    Darkest Desires Part V

    hi, I've been an interested lurker on these threads for a long, long time -- i don't have nearly the time or money to go through albums like a few of you but I've managed to mine some pretty good info and make some informed purchases thanks to this thread =] anyway, I was wondering what you...
  6. enchained

    Best and Worst Remake of Song:

    yes, this is an old thread and i'm a huge dork... no cover i've ever heard makes me quite as happy as Graveworm - Losing my Religion that is all, I'll sneak home now =P
  7. enchained

    The greatest hottest chick in music of all time! (pics warning!)

    during the 2 hour car ride back from seeing Nightwish live a couple of months ago in Minneapolis, my *wife* informed me of Tarja's hotness. I wasn't all that sure how to respond Quote: Originally Posted by Nacher I suppose Tarja Turunen is going to get mentioned sooner or later, so ...
  8. enchained

    Question for the motorcyclists

    I'm a rider and a newbie here and I'm going to agree with the crowd telling you not to do this. riding with anything in your ears that isolates well enough for you to appreciate your music is borderline suicidal, no matter how good of a rider you are; as I've learned many times over the problem...
  9. enchained

    herlp. DT250-80 vs. K271 vs. ?

    hiya. I've just found this site looking for advice as to what to replace my current headphones with, and while there's much helpful info I haven't really found a conclusive answer, so I decided to post. Here's the deal: I currently have Grado SR-225's, which I've had for several years. I...