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  1. Volxstu

    TF10 Flip Flop MOD and what i found.

    Your theory is correct if the speakers are connected by a dedicated passive Xover unit. I suspect that isn't the case with IEM, rather they have a small capacitor attached to each speaker to act as a filter and the speakers connected together in series or parallel. In this way if you turn one of...
  2. Volxstu

    TF10 Flip Flop MOD and what i found.

    If you switch the Phase of both ear pieces and the sound signature changes then one or more pairs of the speakers have to be out of phase. I suspect that UE have done it to achieve the right impedance or something like the low end speaker fires in the oposite direction to the other thus puting...
  3. Volxstu

    TF10 Flip Flop MOD and what i found.

    I dont get it. So have UE wired some of the speakers out of phase? I cant see why they have done that. Surely timing isnt an issue in such a small unit?
  4. Volxstu

    Alcohol and perceived sound quality

    Yes, why was it that obvious?
  5. Volxstu

    Alcohol and perceived sound quality

    Ok so I have got myself inebriated just for this thread and done 2 tests in my car. The first with a dirty windscreen and one with a clean one. On a neutral scale whilst sound is much much better after a few bevies the staging has become a lot more obvious. My sub installed in the glovebox (uk...
  6. Volxstu

    Alcohol and perceived sound quality

    I'm not sure if I'm going to push any forum boundaries here but it's all to do with dopamine and it's effect on how we perceive pleasurable things or euphoria in short. I will negate the feeling of E and music but I did find a huge amount of Euphoria back when mushrooms used to be legal and I...
  7. Volxstu

    Which Mobile phone for music.

    Nice old thread revival. I went with the i4 in the end, simply because it has the functionality that i want. I have just got an Fiiio E7 which does make it sound much better whilst out and about.
  8. Volxstu

    Which Mobile phone for music.

    Thanks for the Great answers. I would certainly be interested in looking at a Digital solution to the Iphone. Im basing my original statement on the little bit of research i did last year.   I have the N900 right now Zenche. I find the sq (out of the box) a little less than my Ipod touch but...
  9. Volxstu

    Which Mobile phone for music.

    I have been looking at the speculated roumers for the i5 but they dont seem to be to interested in the Audio side of things. Its a shame because i have a Macbook pro which sounds amazing out of the box. So why they cant carry some of this technology across to their Music dedicated products i...
  10. Volxstu

    Which Mobile phone for music.

    My contract is up so i need a new phone. I hate the sound of my ipod touch with a passion and dont like its incompatability with an external DAC, so i was wondering if there is a great phone that will replace the pod. Im afraid im a noob to the whole personal audio world so any help and musings...
  11. Volxstu

    Ultimate Ears TFI 10 Slight Rant and Improve Fitment advice.

      Soundmangt4                  Good one. I think that looks like the best option for me. Bloody good price too if they give you a voucher for the Audiologist. I think i will go for that.          For now i have noticed an improvment if i dont try and wedge...
  12. Volxstu

    Does this happen to any of you?

    I get short term audio memory with car audio. You can listen to somebody elses heap and think why doesnt mine sound like that. But earphones i tend to be able to remember quite accurately. This is rather annoying because there is always that sweet spot with IEM's that you can never seem to...
  13. Volxstu

    Ultimate Ears TFI 10 Slight Rant and Improve Fitment advice.

    Ipod Happy, they are long gone now and where i often have just one ear in they ended basically falling apart. The lacquer didnt hold together well.   How would i go about re-coring, surely the process would just make the comply tips weak and useless?
  14. Volxstu

    Ultimate Ears TFI 10 Slight Rant and Improve Fitment advice.

    What sort of price am i looking at for remoulds including geting the original cast (sp?) made?   I think i will have a try of some  more of the comply tx-500's for now i thought they were priced per pair but that is for 3 pairs. Also i notice they come in black.   Quantum XL i found that...
  15. Volxstu

    Ultimate Ears TFI 10 Slight Rant and Improve Fitment advice.

    I doubt my Budget would allow for such a bespoke project if im totally honest. Im also not unhappy with the drivers. Most of my issue is with the bad seal in the ear restricting the bass notes. Im sure with some clever enclosure calculations the bass response could be improved without the need...
  16. Volxstu

    Ultimate Ears TFI 10 Slight Rant and Improve Fitment advice.

    You think they could really build a 4th driver into a unit?  I listen to extremely fast Hard Dance music so the bass notes inevitably with the increased pace creep into the Mid bass Range.  I would love to make the mid bass sound a little lower, but im sure with a nice tight fit they will...
  17. Volxstu

    Ultimate Ears TFI 10 Slight Rant and Improve Fitment advice.

      So i have been using my TFI 10'S For a few months now. I started using the foamy buds, which were quite comfortable and stayed in my ears fairly well but these didnt withstand the test of time and became grotted up to embarrassing levels. This is something that i couldnt justify the cost...
  18. Volxstu

    IEM Impedance, still easier to drive than Cans.

    The impedance will tell you how hard you will be working the perspective amplifier. It doesnt have anything to do with the Efficiency of the speaker. If you have 32ohm IEM's your amp will be able to give (ok very very roughly) twice what it could when driving 64ohm IEM's. The lower the impedance...
  19. Volxstu

    IEM Impedance, still easier to drive than Cans.

    I have been reading up a fair bit on portable amps. I notice that a people say low impedance Cans are hard to drive. Am i right in assuming that Just because my TFi 10 IEM's are the same low 32ohms that they dont suffer from the driving problems from amps like cans.      Thanks   Stu
  20. Volxstu

    Spec me a portable amp for Ulitimate Ears Triple Fi 10's

    Im strating to rather like this forum. As soon as i make a decision somebody go's and throws another spanner in the works. So you truly think the C+C box could be a good contender for my needs compared to units nearly 4 times the price? 
  21. Volxstu

    30th November Evening - Mini Meet in Bank, London

    Im very interested to come and have a look at some portable amps. Im a total noob so a meet sounds ideal to gain some knowledge from you hardcore head-fiers. I will try and organise it with work to leave early. Hope to see some of you guys there. 
  22. Volxstu

    Spec me a portable amp for Ulitimate Ears Triple Fi 10's

    That's extremely interesting that you havnt included iBasso in you short list at all. I listen to Hardcore Dance Music so SQ is not paramount. We in the UK have a saying "you can't polish a turd". It's really dificult to to communicate needs over the internet without being taken too...
  23. Volxstu

    Ibasso D10 Cobra price too good to be true?

    Yes my Head Unit is pioneer. I have been looking and i cant seem to find where it says it does take a digital signal. They arent just going to have this feature on one unit and seeing as i have the 2nd best unit pioneer make im sure it does.   I have been looking at the Amp only units and my...
  24. Volxstu

    Ibasso D10 Cobra price too good to be true?

    Thanks im slowly geting there. So an amplifier with DAC would be useless for an Ipod?
  25. Volxstu

    Ibasso D10 Cobra price too good to be true?

    Well that's what I'm here for and thanks for your help. So all these iPod docks are are still recieving an Analogue signal. This has confused me a little bit as the Head unit in my car proclaims to send a fully digital signal. Perhaps this is my lack of understanding of S/PDIF. Sorry to go on...