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  1. Kubiak

    M50 with 440/840 Pads

    Okay I've been using the 840 pads for a good 16 days and I can say without a doubt that there is a sound change. I could tell immediately when I changed the earpads because it has a similar effect to changing the EQ. Here I'll list some differences.   Sound with the stock M50 pads (Compared...
  2. Kubiak

    The Audio Technica M50 studio monitor thread

    Quote: thanks for the response. I think the iPod classic does affect sound a bit still but I found a problem I was having was the EQ on the iPod was set to Bass Booster and iPhone was Flat. Set the EQ to Flat for iPod as well and it sounds much much better. I'm getting new earpads for...
  3. Kubiak

    M50 with 440/840 Pads

    Edit: I just got the 840 pads today. I'll tell my initial reactions here and maybe go into detail later. Okay first of all the comfort is amazing. It's great that you can't even notice the pressure anymore and the pads don't even touch your ears! Definitely loving the 840 pads on here. As far as...
  4. Kubiak

    The Audio Technica M50 studio monitor thread

    Is amping needed???   I'm sitting here at my desk, these bad boys plugged into my iPhone 4 and the sound is just wonderful, I'm still getting blown away by the sound when listening to Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco. However, when I plug these into my 80gb iPod I can clearly hear the...
  5. Kubiak

    The Audio Technica M50 studio monitor thread

    Quote: dude i've had mine for about 3-4 months now and the pleather is cracking all around and you'd be wise to put the headphone around a small pillow overnight because the pressure and heat really gets to ya'. PS: Don't yank the cord out of a socket by anything but the chrome plug (my...
  6. Kubiak

    The Audio Technica M50 studio monitor thread

    I'm thinking about buying a DAC or a new sound card because I think my headphones sound better driven through my iPhone than my computer.. anyone have some quick suggestions/ideas?
  7. Kubiak

    The Audio Technica M50 studio monitor thread

    one of my favorite breakthrough artists of 2009, Memory Tapes' live show drummer has all of our headphones. Here's a treat for yall
  8. Kubiak

    The Audio Technica M50 studio monitor thread

    LMAO dude I know exactly what is wrong (I think). I use mine a lot at the computer when playing video games and stuff, my tower is on the left and whenever there isn't any sound playing I hear the click click and I was wondering What is that?!? All it is is the wire touching something. in your...
  9. Kubiak

    The Audio Technica M50 studio monitor thread

    Quote: Do you listen to Memory Tapes? I love the album Seek Magic, and just by chance I found that the live drummer wears the M50's!!!! Haha, check it out!   You can hear more of the electronic emphasis in his studio versions...
  10. Kubiak

    The Audio Technica M50 studio monitor thread

    You're going to love them, mine came in yesterday after lurkin around here and other websites and narrowed it down as best for the price. I got the coiled version and I love it! I let em play while I was sleeping last night and I'm convinced today that these are the 'phones that I had to get...