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  1. getzy57

    Headphone Sightings 2

    The 555 are bass anemic compared to the RE0?   Quote:
  2. getzy57

    thinking of getting a pair of RE0's , have a few questions first...

    They come with 5 sets of tips, so there is a lot of variety. I suppose it depends on the size of your ear mostly. I've heard that comply tips work well, though I've never tried myself. I suggest you wait and try the stock tips before buying others, but thats just me. Quote:
  3. getzy57

    What are the best headphones to use with Ipods and computers?

    Hifiman RE0's have great clarity, soundstage and separation, though some people find them too analytical and say they lack bass. I listen mostly to classical and metal with them and love them, though it's all a matter of taste. For 80 bucks they are a steal, in my opinion.
  4. getzy57

    Headphone Sightings 2

      Quote: Many of those are around that price. My RE0's were 80, and I think you can get the sen 555's for 75. both brand new. 
  5. getzy57

    thinking of getting a pair of RE0's , have a few questions first...

    I have been using RE0's and a Fii0 E5 with my clip+ for about a month now with no complaints so far. the E5 definitely improves some music, but not all. If you find the sweet spot on the bass boost switch that is right in the middle, it makes a difference. I can't say to much about durability as...
  6. getzy57

    Headphone Sightings 2

    I think I can safely say that audio quality is not the first priority for most people, including music students. I happen to be one and the only decent headphone I've seen in the whole department was a pair of K181's, which, in my opinion, is pretty sad, considering know...its a music...
  7. getzy57

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: NEW Nuforce uDAC-2 with 24/96 - USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    Just got it in the mail a few days ago.  For those who are curious, the uDac-2 definitely does not have a sufficient enough amp to properly power my K601's. The clarity is great, but it doesn't deliver the volume necessary to make most music listenable really.  That's to be expected with a can...
  8. getzy57

    AKG K601 & K612 Pro Owners... UNITE!!

    Just recieved mine today and I'm loving the sound so far. I'm far from a basshead, but I'm amazed that people complain about lack of bass with these. I suppose it depends on the type of music you listen to. Anyway, great pair of headphones, will be trying them with the Nuforce uDac-2 when it...
  9. getzy57

    Head-Direct RE0 Appreciation Thread

    Received my RE0's a few days ago, and am as impressed as everyone else on this thread seems to be. Honestly, these sound great straight from my crappy Realtek onboard soundcard. I actually use itunes with these and it sounds fine, though I prefer foobar. Been doing basically constant burn-in...
  10. getzy57

    The Beyerdynamic DT48 Arrives...

    Build: Essentially bulletproof, if a robber broke into my apartment i would beat him up with the DT48.   Best line from a review. Insightful and practical at the same time.
  11. getzy57

    AKG K601 & K612 Pro Owners... UNITE!!

    Quote:   Ooh, now I feel bad...but only a little.  I guess it's a good thing I bought them on impulse, or I may not have bought them at all!  
  12. getzy57

    AKG K601 & K612 Pro Owners... UNITE!!

    Ordered a pair from TTJV yesterday, I can't wait to try them. I was originally planning on waiting awhile and getting the k701, but for 100 bucks less I couldn't pass it up.    Also, looking for an amp for these cans. I have a pretty cheap DAC right now (m-audio fast track pro), but it...
  13. getzy57

    Animals as Leaders

    I am so pumped that other people listen to this band. They are incredible, some of the best metal musicians I've ever heard.   x2 on the CAFO fav.
  14. getzy57

    Creative Zen Microphoto vs Clip

    Evening everyone, lately I have become interested in getting a small mp3 player. I have an ipod classic 160gb, but I wanted to try something with better sq that I could run with something like a Fiio E5 or a cmoy amp. I have a 8gb zen microphoto lying around that's a few years old, and I was...
  15. getzy57

    DT880 + Total Bithead + Little Dot MKIII?

    Hey everyone, just wondering if this set up would work. I plan on getting the DT880 fairly soon, and would get a total bithead soon after that, mostly because its in my price range. Once I got the money, I was thinking of adding the Little Dot Mk III. Would it work to use the bithead as a DAC...
  16. getzy57

    Possible Laptop Setup (Behringer U-Control UCA202) Question

    So would you suggest not using an amp at all? The main thing I'm concerned about is simply the fact that my headphones tend to sound bad coming directly from my laptop. I've also heard that it takes quite a bit of power to get optimum performance from higher end headphones, such as the 701's. Is...
  17. getzy57

    Possible Laptop Setup (Behringer U-Control UCA202) Question

    I'm a very new audiophile (well I would like to call myself one, though I don't have the equipment to back that up yet...) and have been doing some research into a possible setup for myself these last few days. I was just wanting some advice, or help, if need be, in seeing whether this would...
  18. getzy57

    Senn HD 280 vs HD 428

    Well I've decided to wait until I can get the 701's for full size headphones, so I'm looking at IEM's now. How do the DBA02 compare with the RE0's? Right now I can get a pair from head-direct for 79.99, which, as far as most people are concerned, seems to be a steal. The cheapest I can find the...
  19. getzy57

    Senn HD 280 vs HD 428

    Hey everyone, I just purchased the HD 428 a couple of days ago, but am still not sold on them, so I thought I would keep looking around. I would like to stay around the 100-125$ mark, and I listen to a variety of music, though I would prefer headphones that cater more towards classical music, or...
  20. getzy57

    FiiO L1 Question

    Haha, I appreciate the sympathy. Thanks for the reply.
  21. getzy57

    FiiO L1 Question

    Hey everyone, recent lurker here who has a question. If I would use a FiiO L1 LOD to connect my ipod classic to a FiiO E5 amp, would the ipod still power the sound? I've read on the forums here that the sound will be routed directly to the amp, therefore the volume control would only be on the...