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  1. taybrown90

    Audiophile noob looking for terrific Rock music headphones, along with a few other questions

    Alright, after researching, I've settled on the Ultrasone Pro 900. Now the questions are, what's the best amp to drive them, and where can I get them for the best price?   Ah, I found a new pair on ebay for $379 brand new. Awesome. I figure I'll save up for an amp upgrade later, if need be...
  2. taybrown90

    Audiophile noob looking for terrific Rock music headphones, along with a few other questions

    Hi guys. I'm just now getting into the audiophile scene. I recently bought a set of ATH-AD700 cans and an HT Omega Claro Plus+ sound card for my also recently-built gaming desktop. I'd heard great things about the AD700 for gaming: the huge soundstage, the comfort, the low price. All of that was...