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  1. Aalelan

    The GrubDAC

    Speaking of water-soluble flux I have never used it, I see on digikey these two.. KE1808-ND and KE1804-ND, what does one look for in buying this?   Thanks! AA
  2. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

      In my need to tinker and play I picked up a pair of 12AJ6 tubes (since they are compatible) and tried to use them tonight..  I turned my trimmers for the tube bias all the way down and install the tubes.. fire it up and sound!  I let it warm up for a little bit and start moving up the bias...
  3. Aalelan

    The GrubDAC

    What software do you use Cobaltmute?  I'm trying to find some semi-intuitive software I can lay some designs out and try to make some simple boards...   Thanks! AA
  4. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Thanks BoilermakerFan, I should have just started there earlier like you said for my other question..  well I know what my bedtime reading is going to be for a while :)   Thanks again!!!   AA
  5. Aalelan

    The GrubDAC

    Quote: Ditto!!!  Now I know how the power routes through that thing..  Glad you got it running man!!!   AA
  6. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    OK, I have my Max MOSFET built and LOVE IT!!!  I have 4 Elna Silmic II coming in to do a recap of CA2 and CA7..  Soon as I get that in (hope tuesday night) and get the lexan top on I will post some new pics..   I have a question though..  I'm pretty good a following instructions and building...
  7. Aalelan

    DIY Graphic EQ?

    Thanks for that Link Amb,  I had run across that in my googling the other day..  I'll have to see if I can figure out how to  make a board layout of that..  I have never seen a PCB layout tool that I could get to work right.. I 100% sure that is user error though :(
  8. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Not really related to the MAX but,anyone have a good suggestion on a small speaker tube amp setup?  say ~5-10w per channel?   Thanks!!   AA
  9. Aalelan

    DIY Graphic EQ?

      Title says it all really.. Looking for anyone that has done or has a direction to point me to do a good DIY EQ, I would like to a graphic one also not worried tooo much about how hard it will be, I can take my time..   Guy at work said I should get one to play with and I said why not...
  10. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Well I have to say I noticed the USB thing before I cut, but when I made my own measurements I still got the hole in the wrong place :(  Far as I can tell with the default layout on the max site, you have to get it up almost touching the bottom RCA jack to make a nice square hole..  I think I...
  11. Aalelan

    The GrubDAC

      Quote: For just your second DIY and what might have been your first SMD experince, looks good..  The more you do the better you will get too..   I read somewhere that the little solder tips/points should be avoided but I'm not sure if there is any noticable side affects because of...
  12. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Well my new sinks will be in Tomorrow..  I'll let you know how it goes and take a new picture..
  13. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Anybody have a best method for removing a heatsink from a board?  I have an idea I want to do for both heat and asthetics,  I have ordered 2" heat sinks to replace the PS and the two center MOSFETs.  I want them to stick up out of the top like the tubes will,  I'm going to leave the outer two at...
  14. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Quote: Still very much up to date... I just build mine a few weeks ago and I think the version 1.2 board just came out this year..   AA
  15. Aalelan

    The GrubDAC

    Quote:     Congrats!!  that solder work looks great!  If thats how you solder with coffee in you system maybe I should try it ;)     AA  
  16. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Quote: Not so much a kit but  you can get the board here  and the build of materials are here   I suggest going with the mouser side of the BOM as there are still a few "errors" on the Digikey side..   This is a...
  17. Aalelan

    The GrubDAC

      So, could one add a TOSlink input to this?  even if it were a seperate little board that ribbon cable attached to the GRUB..  I really come up with crazy ones when I sit for too long :p   AA
  18. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Quote:   Well if play with the tubes means you swap sides with them, I would say it sounds like you have a dead tube.  Also the fact that you can get it to switch would lead me to believe that none of the solid state parts are dead/damaged.   Not what you wanted to hear I bet but...
  19. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Tomb,   That left tube is still acting up YGPM..
  20. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Quote: Ok, partial answer and more questions :(     I moved up to my office where that circuit is know to be on the verge of overloaded all the time..  The wall voltage there is 108VAC, down the bedroom and living room I get 120VAC.. Move the Wall wart and voltage comes out ok..  ...
  21. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Scratching head here..  Playing around here at my desk and I figured I would check my voltages.. my FET bias had droped about 12mv from last night so I tweaked it up again..  then I checked my tubes, left was at 16v!! and the right was at 14v..  I got the right back down to 13.5 but the left...
  22. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Looks Great Funch!!!  I need to make up my mind how I want to do my casework for mine..   OK, OK... I have taken a baby step up I moved them to 220mv, I will scoot them up a little at a time over the next few days.   I'm trying to talk a guy at work in to getting a set of AGK K701's so I...
  23. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    I have gotten lost on what a good bias point is for the MAX-MOSFET  Running the PS at 27v  and tubes at 13.5v  what should I do the FET's at?  I'm currently running at 180mv..   Thanks!
  24. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Quote: Thanks Tomb,  I guess I got confused when i was reading last night.  I do have Wima MKP10's in CA9 but used a Panasonic FM 1000uf in CA2.  Maybe I will look into getting a better option for CA2 then.  Looks like digikey has the Elna in stock 604-1111-ND   Now that I have it all...
  25. Aalelan

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Speaking of CA7,  I read that this is the biggest spot affect for bass.  Could one use Nichicon HE 2200uf in this spot, if so would you have to make any tweaks downstream?   I could not sleep last night and was just thinking, I'm still learning and may ask crazy things sometimes.