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  • Users: novak
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  1. novak

    Source for Yamaha HS7's?

    I've got a pair of Yamaha HS7 active monitors coming in the mail, but I'm still a little lost on how to hook them up to my PC. I've tried shopping around for a cheap DAC that'd have TRS or XLR outputs but haven't settled on which one to buy yet. My main criteria are price (I'd prefer to keep it...
  2. novak

    HD650 sound right sided?

    I first thought my HD 650's were imbalanced aswell but it turns out they're just extremely sensitive to how they're positioned on your head. Try to angle the rightside cup differently and see if that makes any difference. That's what fixed things for me atleast. I have no similar issues with...
  3. novak

    Auzentech Forte, Soundblaster X-fi Titanium HD, or other?

    I can't really recommend Auzentech products and especially not the Forte. I had three Forte cards fail on me in half a year (analog outputs just went completely dead). Auzentech replaced the card twice after which I just asked for my money back. From what I've read, their cards have an extremely...
  4. novak

    Sennheiser HD 650 for PC = Overkill?

    I use my HD 650's with my PC every day so they're definitely not overkill. I'm planning on buying LCD2's or HD 800's to use with my computer, actually.   You do need decent amplification to drive them, tho. They still sound better unamped than HD 595's for example, but it's a bit of a waste...
  5. novak

    Shure SRH 940 impression and support thread

    Very cool. I love my SRH 840's and I'll be picking up a pair of 940's the first chance I get.   I hope they manage to couple great SQ with easy drivability like they did with the 840's. Everywhere I go, my 840's go with me. They're the quintessential portable fullsize headphones, atleast for...
  6. novak

    have you ever noticed funny smell coming from your little dot amp?

    There was a slight "new electronics" smell coming off mine for the first week. Sometimes new tubes smell a little too but it goes away quickly. I wouldn't worry about it if your amp is new.
  7. novak

    Little Dot MKIII Tube Rolling

    I own a fairly high-end SS amp but to be honest I just prefer the tube sound. My Symphony is always predictable and gives me the same exact sound every time I use it, but there's just something to tube amps that a SS just can't give me. If I happen to get bored to a certain sound from my LD, I...
  8. novak

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    It's from IKEA. It's called Jonas, I think.   Quote:
  9. novak

    What is your next headphone purchase and why?

    I'm trying to decide between Denon D7000's and HD 800's at the moment. I already own D5000's and HD 650's and I'm intrigued what the next step would bring. I'm kinda leaning towards the HD 800's since I've loved the HD 650's since the first moment I heard them, but I'm a little apprehensive...
  10. novak

    AV cable as an interconnect?

    I managed to break the 3.5mm jack on the 3.5mm -> 2xRCA cable that I was using to connect my soundcard to my headphone amp. I've got a 3.5mm -> 3xRCA cable lying around unused, but I was wondering if the third RCA connector (the one that'd be video I guess?) that I wouldn't be using cause any...
  11. novak

    New Cans....Think theres a problem

    This might sound a little obvious, but have you tried turning the headphones around on your head? Does the imbalance switch sides? Also, are the different cups on different levels? Check to make sure the headband is adjusted in the same way on both sides. You can remove the padding without...
  12. novak

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Nothing too special. The cheapo Logitech speakers are there for times when I can't be arsed to stream media from the computer to the media center in the living room. :)     EDIT: Wow, the forums absolutely raped the image quality. :O
  13. novak


    Thanks for the heads up, OP.   I ended up ordering four pairs. Guess what everyone's getting for Christmas! :)
  14. novak

    Little Dot MKIII Tube Rolling

    That's unfortunate. My HD 650's were lacking a bit on the lows with the other tubes I tried and the Mullards and Sylvanias especially were leaning towards the higher end of the frequency range. My Senn's have very solid highs and mids as it is so the groove tubes rounded off the sound very...
  15. novak

    Little Dot MKIII Tube Rolling

    Warm and tubey is exactly how I'd describe the EV's. The first couple of days with them I wasn't all that impressed but after that they really started to blow me away.   Let me know how the Tung Sol's work out for you. I've been interested in trying them out myself.
  16. novak

    Which HD 650 Interconnect?

    I completely spaced out on what you were powering your 'phones with. Sorry about that.     There's a crap ton of signal interference inside a computer case. Stick a RFI meter inside yours and you're almost guaranteed to get a spike. If I use the analog outs on my Auzentech Forte, I get a...
  17. novak

    Little Dot MKIII Tube Rolling

    Quote: Yup, they're the groove tubes.   They get their name from the two vertical grooves on the glass. Can't be certain if they're the same as the 6J1P, but judging from the schematics I managed to find they differ in their construction.   Quote...
  18. novak

    Which HD 650 Interconnect?

    I guess people need to justify dropping $140 on a few dollars worth of copper somehow.   You seem very eager to blow your money and by all means, feel free to do so if you feel like your system would benefit from it. Just be aware that there is absolutely zero scientific backing for all this...
  19. novak

    Little Dot MKIII Tube Rolling

    Yeah I've been using 6Sh1P-EV's for about a week now and they're completely stunning tubes. All instruments are separated very clearly, the soundstage is more than sufficient and there's a very pleasing kick on the lower end.   I'm now comparing them to the Sylvania 5654/6AK5's I received...
  20. novak

    Which HD 650 Interconnect?

    Those people just have very vivid imaginations and a very shallow grasp of the laws of physics.
  21. novak

    Which HD 650 Interconnect?

    I was typing on my phone and the T9 crap the bed and made me mistype!   Anyway, you shouldnt spend too much on cables, full stop. The benefit they offer (if there is any to be found) is marginal at best and at worst they're complete snake oil. I've yet to meet a person who can tell a...
  22. novak

    Which HD 650 Interconnect?

    Save your money. Dropping 140 canadabuxx on a cable will do nothing for the sound quality. As long as the cable you have is reasonably built it'll work just fine.   Or, if you've just gotta have that snake oil, head on over to the cable subforum and let them tell you what to buy.
  23. novak

    Little Dot MKIII Tube Rolling

    I requested for a new total and I ended up with $15 for two tubes, shipping included.   The EV's should be arriving tomorrow, a pair of CV4010's a day after that and the Sylvanias next week (hopefully). Can't wait to get my hands on them.