Search results for query: *
  1. jfeser2

    Sansa Clip Plus - does it work with a Mac?

    The Sansa clip has an option on the original firmware to turn on MSC (under Settings - System settings - USB mode).  With the device in MSC mode, it should mount as a standard FAT32 flash drive, which your mac should be able to handle.  I use this on my linux system, and I am very happy with it...
  2. jfeser2

    Beginning Runners

    You might also want to look for a group to run with.  Many towns have running clubs, and most are pretty cheap to join.  The people there will be experienced; they can help you with training, and you can also find people who run at your pace.  
  3. jfeser2

    I lost all my itunes album artwork....again. How to keep your artwork permanently

    The easiest solution to this problem is to put a file called "cover.jpg" in with each album.  Embedding the artwork in the file works sometimes, but support is often lacking, and I wouldn't put it past iTunes to use an unconventional method for art storage.   It takes some setting up, but...
  4. jfeser2

    Documentary on Music Piracy

    Quote: They aren't really though.  There have been no lawsuits related to Usenet or Rapidshare users, so these sources are litigation free, at least for now.  Most people who pirate music weren't put off at all by the lawsuits, or they just shifted how they pirate.
  5. jfeser2

    Music Game IX

    Quote: "Like a Fool" - Shaimus
  6. jfeser2

    why do you choose headphones?

    I listen to some really weird music, and I really don't like arguing with people over it.  Headphones are:   -more comfortable than earbuds -quiet -cheaper than speakers
  7. jfeser2

    Documentary on Music Piracy

      Quote:   I don't disagree with you, but most artists don't price their own work.  Personally, I don't want to give money to the record labels, but rather, to the artists.  In particular, pay what you want schemes have been successful, especially when the average price is reported to...
  8. jfeser2

    Documentary on Music Piracy

    The problem with discouraging piracy is that the people who complain the loudest are also the people that no one sympathizes with.  No one feels sorry for the huge corporate interests, so no one cares when they complain about file sharing.  If some artists who were really struggling got up and...
  9. jfeser2

    This country keeps getting dumber and dumber. Spelling Bee Protests!!!

    I think the en dash is only for breaking words across lines and for joining words together.  I don't think it can be used to control sentence structure.  Just a bit more information.