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  1. ashikamlani

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Just got the PFE 122 and loving it so far. Is there any place (UK) that I can buy the green tips without the changing kit and everything in order to save some money? Or is anyone willing to sell me a pair of green tips? I don't want to have to buy a changing kit again as I've already got one...
  2. ashikamlani

    Need a recommendation for a USB DAC/Amp with Line-level out

        Because I need the thing to be portable, the only options left to me are Fiio E7 E9 combo or the Nuforce Icon Mobile. The Headroom Total Bithead does not have a line level out. Which is the better out of these two?    
  3. ashikamlani

    Need a recommendation for a USB DAC/Amp with Line-level out

    Thanks guys, I'll take a look. Do you think that this is a worthwhile upgrade onsidering the gear I have? Will I be able to hear a difference?
  4. ashikamlani

    Need a recommendation for a USB DAC/Amp with Line-level out

    Quote: Has to be portable...   Quote: Thanks for the suggestion, but it's not an amp as well, is it?
  5. ashikamlani

    Need a recommendation for a USB DAC/Amp with Line-level out

    Thanks.   Any other advice guys?   What about the uDAC-2?
  6. ashikamlani

    Need a recommendation for a USB DAC/Amp with Line-level out

    Hi guys, I've been looking at getting a cheap USB DAC/Amp combo for my Shure SRH440s, Phonak PFE 122s and my M-Audo AV40s.   As far as I know, I need to get a DAC with a line level out so that I can use it with my active speakers. Is this correct?   I only have a max. £100 budget so not...
  7. ashikamlani

    Need some speaker recommendations please!

      Quote:  Nice idea, and I had considered these very same speakers. Only problem is that they are hard to get here in the UK and cost £190 minimum. Slightly above my budget.   Also they are very large and 2.0. I would prefer to have very small satellites and a sub if possible.
  8. ashikamlani

    Need some speaker recommendations please!

      Quote:  I've read that these are now getting a bit long in the tooth. Is this correct?   Also the lack of a remote is slightly detracting.
  9. ashikamlani

    Need some speaker recommendations please!

    Cheers mate, I'll take a look at the Edifier M3300SF. Are there any reviews about?   Ok so the decision has been made to get a FiiO E7, now all I need are a set of speakers!   Any other ideas guys?
  10. ashikamlani

    Need some speaker recommendations please!

    Thanks, but unfortunately the Klipsch set are very hard to get a hold of in the UK, therefore I cannot get them.   With the FiiO E7, it is designed as a headphone amp, but will it work well with speakers instead? Secondly, is it worth the £70 price tag?
  11. ashikamlani

    Need some speaker recommendations please!

    Basically, I need a 2.0 or 2.1 set that will be used for gaming, movies and of course music.   I am, regrettably, a bit of a basshead so I was leaning towards a 2.1 setup.     Having researched for months and months I've narrowed down my choices to these:   Creative Gigaworks T3...
  12. ashikamlani

    Sorry guys - another what headphone should I buy thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by baka1969 Hi, both the Denon (which I have) and Shure (which I don't have) offer very good sound quality for a closed can for the money and are easily driven by a DAP and with modest amps such as the Fiio. You won't go wrong with either choice. Thanks...
  13. ashikamlani

    Sorry guys - another what headphone should I buy thread

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys. As you can see, I've now put prices to make comparisons a bit easier. A couple of questions: Are the DT770s worth double the price of the creative, sony and shure phones? Which is the better ATH phone, for the prices listed above? At the moment im...
  14. ashikamlani

    Sorry guys - another what headphone should I buy thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by baka1969 My vote goes to the Denon and Shure. Any particular reason why?
  15. ashikamlani

    Sorry guys - another what headphone should I buy thread

    After weeks of researching, I have finally narrowed down my headphone choices to a few select ones, and need help deciding on the final one! I am also open to new suggestions, mind you. My requirements are that they: 1. Are closed back 2. Preferably over ear 3. Cost around £100 max. Prices...