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  1. Phiber33

    Old HiFi system .... is it any good?

    Gday guys,   So I've got this old Hi-Fi sytem that I got as a teenager easily 12 years ago. I loved it so much back then! I haven't had the chance to listen to it for a long time since I now live abroad but am wondering if it is any good. Since I am forced to change home every 6 month or...
  2. Phiber33

    Lossless files and stuff

    I found an interesting link for you guys to look at. It compares mp3 @128 and mp3 @ 320. Of course it has some important limitations: - extract quite short - only one type of music - goes through your PC sound card   Nevertheless it's an interesting experience. So can you find which...
  3. Phiber33

    Sennheiser IE8 Impressions Thread

    Hey everyone, I haven't had the patience to look through the impressive 406 (!) pages of this thread to see if the question i have has been asked or not: I am seriously considering getting the IE8, and i have been looking on ebay. I have seen some IE8 selling for about US$200 ... this is dirt...
  4. Phiber33

    where are the new cowon/sony players?!

    Quote: I need the combo of touch and physical track skip and play and pause. I have to agree! Having a device with a purely touch interface is a but annoying since you can't just skip a track right from your pocket without having to take the device out, unlock it, change the track and...
  5. Phiber33

    where are the new cowon/sony players?!

    Same here....waiting for new DAPs ... hopefully 64Gb at least... let's just hope it does not take too long that's all
  6. Phiber33

    How'd ya like a Cowon iaudio9 for 99 bucks?

    I haven't tried myself, but posts report that the Cowon S9 and Sony X series are similar in terms of SQ, with the sony being warmer and the cowon a bit more analytical - again I have not tried those myself, but Cowon has a good reputation for excellent SQ no matter what.
  7. Phiber33

    When is the NWZ-A847 Coming??!!

    Gotta agree! The X with 64gb - and various problems fixed/improved - would be a TREAT!
  8. Phiber33

    Ditching my Classic for another source Help!!!

    I haven't tried it personally, but the Sony X series is said to have warmer tones....that's my 2 cents contribution :/
  9. Phiber33

    A good 64Gb player?

    Yeah i have seen the A847 on ebay, but i'm not so enthusiastic about the whole interface being in japanese...i'm gonna have no clues as to how to adjusts the settings and navigate through the menus unless i've got the manual with me....which kinda sucks for a device this price
  10. Phiber33

    A good 64Gb player?

    G'day guys! I'm fairly new here, but i've been watching the forums for some time now! And i've been looking for my next DAP. I currently use an ipod classic 120gb, and although it's pretty good i'd like to try something that sounds better! I've been looking at Sony and their X series...
  11. Phiber33

    iphone/portable amp size comparison

    Thanks for the new image mate =)
  12. Phiber33

    Oh where, oh where has my slim Arrow gone, oh where, oh where can it be?

    I can't wait to hear about it! please do come back with your impressions !
  13. Phiber33

    Oh where, oh where has my slim Arrow gone, oh where, oh where can it be?

    Any additional news/comment/reviews (?!) on this very sleek looking amp ?