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  1. Aeterna

    Amp for HD580; options under $100?

    I saw an LDM+ here on head-fi that sold for $55 including shipping. Now, I'm not really up for dropping a few hundred on an amp at the moment, so something like that would work for me. Source problems aside for a moment, I've got an HD580 with an Audigy 2ZS that I'd like to amp a bit. Other...
  2. Aeterna

    Have the HD580, but no amp... return and go HD595?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Davesrose It doesn't hurt to try listening to the HD580 now. If it seems too dark or muffled for you, then come back and ask for amp recomendations. I am right now; they're not the gooey mess I thought they might be, but a little amping probably...
  3. Aeterna

    Have the HD580, but no amp... return and go HD595?

    I'd like to avoid spending another $100+ on an amp if I can avoid it. Right now, I have the HD580 sitting in a box right next to me as ordered from Amazon, but the primary source will be an Audigy 2 ZS - hardly the best thing to drive cans with that kind of resistance, from what I understand...
  4. Aeterna

    Amp for home computer use?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SayNoToPistons Name a price. Not sure what's reasonable, honestly.
  5. Aeterna

    HD580 just dropped to $125 on

    Yep, I'm about to order one. Checking for amps for home computer use first; just posted in that section of the forum for suggestions.
  6. Aeterna

    Amp for home computer use?

    So I'm about to pull the trigger on a shiny new set of HD580s to replace a pair of HD555s that just bit the dust on me (well, the left can, anyway). Unsure as to whether this is a cable issue or not. I've been away from watching head-fi and such for awhile, so I've forgotten what my options...
  7. Aeterna

    Alternatives to the HD555?

    I've been using HD-280s, cracking headband and all, for many months now. I like them a lot, sure, but I've been wanting to move up a bit. I don't really have a desire for open over closed or vice versa; rather, the only thing I'm picky about is that my Audigy 2 ZS must adequately drive them...
  8. Aeterna

    Beyerdynamic's DT234 Pro - Where in the US?

    Someone said they're "touuuuuuugh to find", and seemingly so, unless I'm completely overlooking something. Currently using a set of HD280s and a cheap Labtec non-boom mic; lots of online gaming, but some music listening, as well. I was wanting to try an actual headset, and I was less than...
  9. Aeterna

    202s, 280s, 497s, 570s, or the V6? (I know, I know...)

    Okay, as you can see, I'm a head-fi virgin. Bear with me. First off: I listen to a lot of rock (Linkin Park, Nickelback, and such, and even some Evanescence-type stuff), a little less classical (I'm a pianist, so there!), and play Counter-Strike competitively in CAL. Now, I have the 497s...