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  1. xFrenzydToxinsX

    iTunes setting?

    Hmm idk it only made it sound better through my 5 dollar phones though lol my Trittons are better without it.
  2. xFrenzydToxinsX

    iTunes setting?

    What difference does sound enhancer make I turned it on and it sounded different not sure if I like it better than the reg but I was wondering what about it did to change the sound as much as it did made it seem like it had more dimension if that makes sense.
  3. xFrenzydToxinsX

    How loud do you listen to your music?

    Quote: Originally Posted by scompton Here's my post from another thread Actually, if you can feel it, it's too loud unless you listen for a very short time. Haha I don't listen to it 24/7 like that or with headphones but in my truck I leave a lot of change and if it...
  4. xFrenzydToxinsX

    Put it on shuffle and tell us the first 5 songs you hear

    Japandroids-Crazy/Forever Bring Me The Horizon-They Have No Reflections Emarosa-It's Cold In The Shade Lets Move To The Sun... Earth Wind and Fire-September 99 Daft Punk-Burnin'
  5. xFrenzydToxinsX

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Scooter-Aiii Shoot The DJ Greatest song evar!
  6. xFrenzydToxinsX

    iPod Touch 2G + amp

    Hmm well I'm not sure how much id spend on the amp because I've never heard music through an amp so I have nothing to go on as far as Improvement/Price so not really sure but if it's only slightly an improvement I wouldn't want to spend to much then the life of the amp I guess would come into...
  7. xFrenzydToxinsX

    iPod Touch 2G + amp

    I've searched around quite a bit and haven't really found an answer or if I have I couldn't understand it lol but with an iPod 2G and a pair of IE7s would an amp of any sort help out a signifigant amount and if so what type? I don't have the IE7s yet and the only other headphone I've owned...
  8. xFrenzydToxinsX

    How loud do you listen to your music?

    If I can't feel it, it isn't loud enough.
  9. xFrenzydToxinsX

    iPod Touch 2G + iBasso T3

    Is this a good combo I have a pair of IE7s on the way and was wondering if I should amp them, then if so is the T3 good for this setup? I searched for something similar but got a lot of obscure and huge threads. Also if the T3 wouldn't compliment this much what would and be about the same...