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  1. Pltinum

    Help me choose a used turntable.

    I meant the vacuum designs. Probably just going to buy the kab then..
  2. Pltinum

    Help me choose a used turntable.

    Quote: Originally Posted by memepool They don't often come up used for a whole lot less than new, in my experience, and the amount of wear and tear on the motor means you end up replacing all the parts anyway. I bought a 2nd hand Nitty Gritty because it was a rare one which also does...
  3. Pltinum

    Help me choose a used turntable.

    Quote: Originally Posted by memepool The Knosti Disco Antitstat is good, and this KAB EV-1 RECORD CLEANER is the cheapest proper vacuum based RCM. Also check local record stores as some have a cleaning service with a professional machine. In general record quality went down hill in...
  4. Pltinum

    Help me choose a used turntable.

    Quote: Originally Posted by RockinCannoisseur wow you had an interesting adventure no? good luck with the tt. im curious to hear how it sounds when u get it set up. cheers Well, the vinyl sounds great. However I only have old dusty records (most of them). The noise on those...
  5. Pltinum

    Looking to make the jump to vinyl

    Just wanted to put my story in this thread: Just have my budget vinyl rig for about a month. Got the turntable without needle for €10 (lenco l75), Put a new cartridge on it for about €28 (audio technica at95), a real budget phonostage for €30. Just to get to know some vinyl. I really enjoy...
  6. Pltinum

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by midoo1990 Another complement for hd650 here.i find them very versatile and suit every music genres and they sound soooooooooo relaxing when listening to classical and chamber music.Every night i rest in bed with my hd650 and dim the lights and read my...
  7. Pltinum

    Anyone go to any gigs on there own?

    Well I go to the opera alone alot, or jazz concerts. I feel more at peace when I go alone. General "mainstream" concerts not that much, because I just go to festivals in the summer. You can't do THAT on your own. The only thing I hate about going alone are the breaks (if there are any).
  8. Pltinum

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    After reading those posts. I know I'm never going to sell them to upgrade... I'll just save some more! Who knows, I might regret it too..
  9. Pltinum

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    I haven't read alot of post here. Just wanted to jump in and say: I love my hd650's! It just sounds so comforting... It made me want to listen to more music. (just got them yesterday, but I know I'm gonna love them forever!)
  10. Pltinum

    How do you organize your music?

    What about classical music? Sort by composer or performer or ... What about compilation cd's?
  11. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    For those that are still interested: John cage talking about silence: YouTube - John Cage about silence
  12. Pltinum

    please recommend some good vocal jazz!

    I like Jane Monheit. (one of the few new ones I know, the rest is already listed )
  13. Pltinum

    Classical Suggestions for a Metalhead?

    x2 Rite of Spring x2 Unfinished from Schubert (8th) Love this symphony! Maybe some Strauss (Elektra,...) or Alban Berg (String quartets, Wozzeck,..) edit: x2 on Pictures at an Exhibition (love the Gnomus part!)
  14. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Zaubertuba Point being I don't think it was meant to be taken too seriously. Perhaps just seriously enough that it might give one pause to evaluate the concept of "silence." Perhaps not. You just don't know if he was serious or not. But yes, it amuses...
  15. Pltinum

    Help me choose a used turntable.

    UPDATE! I went to get the TT's. He was even willing to let them go for free and I could pay him if they worked (after new needle/cartridge).. Thought that was TOO nice. So just paid him 10. First I went to his house with the train. It was only 1km walk. He suggested I should just take one...
  16. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    Quote: Originally Posted by userlander The subject of art stirs up a lot of opinion and even passion. Van Gogh and Gaugin would often literally come to blows over their discussions of art, what it is, what it means, what it should be, and so on. Art is part of what defines us...
  17. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Zarathustra19 I apologize if I add things that were not in my previous posts. I rarely think long term enough while posting to formulate an entire argument. Head-fi is not a term paper, after all. I'm not sure if what you first said there was directed...
  18. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    That's the problem with communication through internet and communication in general. Misunderstanding.
  19. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    Quote: Originally Posted by userlander Or maybe it's just that everyone else is stuck down. "Music is the silence between the notes." -Claude Debussy Yeah, came back from it in my edit. But in 4'33" there isn't any margin for musicality or interpretation. And there...
  20. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Zarathustra19 I wasn't trying to imply that minimalistic music is the cause (I really should have worded it better than that, but I'm not up on all the terms for movements in art and music). In fact, some minimalist classical (especially piano) is very...
  21. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    @evanft: Those are strong words, backed up with alot of nothing. Unless people first learn to at least have some background information of the piece, you can't really talk about it in that way. (Although I really understand what your saying and why you are saying it.) @Zarathustra19: Yep...
  22. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    Quote: Originally Posted by userlander I think Cage is challenging those definitions, though. The context you speak about is the concert: people are going to a concert to hear "music." The cultural assumption is that "music" means something, and that going to hear music means that there...
  23. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    Quote: Originally Posted by userlander People from the West usually think Tibetan music is just a cacophony of drums and weird horn sounds, too. But to them it's music. What is perceived as "music" therefore depends on the context. I'd rather listen to 4:33 than Britney Spears, so...
  24. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    Thanks for the link!
  25. Pltinum

    4'33". Is it music?

    Wow! tbh I want a recording too! I maybe want to discuss it during my music history exam (we have to have 2 music examples and he'll choose one we have to discuss). I found mp3 downloads, but! their not even the correct length! (yes 4'33", but first part is longer than a minute) I want a live...